Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Nine-Patches, Bramble Blooms, Weather

I declared my interest in participating in Taryn's Tiny Four Patch sew-along but I haven't signed in to Facebook to see what's going on.  She's also hosting this on Instagram. 
I already had some 1½" squares in autumn colors that I'd been sewing into four-patches.  They are really scrappy, as you can see.  (Maybe I'll start making some less scrappy ones....)  I'd been trying to decide what to do with them and when I saw this sew-along it seemed like just the thing for these squares.  The blocks in the original quilt finish at 1½"--teeny tiny--compared to my 3" blocks--small.   But Taryn's open to participants sewing any small size.
The setting of the original quilt has the blocks on point with white between.  How would these blocks look with a gold print between, or some other autumn color, do you think?  Or cream, always a favorite.  I'll need to make over two hundred nine-patches so there's no hurry for a decision.  I'm aiming for 10/week which equals 40/month, so in about 5 months I should have enough for a bed-size quilt.  We'll see how it goes.  (I just calculated that 200 9-patches will require 1800 squares!  I might not have enough scraps!)

I'm still dithering about Bramble Blooms decisions.  I cut and sewed the teal border and that's it so far.  (No excuses here but my daughter and her kitties were here and my husband has been using the kitchen table where I cut large pieces.  It's not that I've been putting it off.)
I'm stumped on the borders without the arcs.  I only ever thought they would go on the right side and bottom.  But what to do about the other side and the top?  I thought about stripes, similar to but not like above.  Like a fence, maybe?  And on the other side are brambles?  I really can't think that those arcs/arches all the way around would be a good idea.  Another thought just occurred to me:  move the upper "pickets" on on the left to the bottom beside the bramble arc and leave maybe three pickets up the left side.  But that still leaves me with an empty upper border.   Leaves?  Birds?  What?

And then there's the question of that brown border.   Will I be able to recover from so much darkness in the next border?  Maybe I should go with a light border.  Oh, how I don't know what I'm doing.

Of course, I still need to decide what color and fabric the arcs and anything else I add will be.  But those decisions will depend on the border fabric....

Most of the quilts I make are made one step at a time, not knowing the end at the beginning, and I decide the next part of the quilt as I go along, but most of my quilts are made of blocks.  And I can always take as much time as I want to make decisions. 

But wait, I really am having fun.  A challenge can be fun, right?  I'm enjoying the challenges, just not the pressure of a time constraint.

On a different topic.  Do you cut away the fabric behind an applique?  I know one or two people who do and another one or two who don't. 
What about you?  I always have for several reasons.  First, because it's easier to hand quilt one less layer of fabric and, second, because I see that great expanse of usable fabric and think how it's going to waste.  What's your opinion and experience?  Leave it or cut it away?

The weather hasn't helped my energy—physical, mental, or creative—this week and last.  We haven't seen the sun since Monday, the 22nd.  No matter the time of day, from dawn to dusk, it has been grey or greyer and sometimes foggy.  It is beautiful.  It also makes me feel like sleeping for a few hours in the afternoon.  The weather forecast tells me tomorrow will be only partly cloudy.  I'm looking forward to seeing the sun!
I love winter when it snows.  There's still a chance for it this year.
I hope you're happy, healthy, safe, and enjoying whatever you're doing.



  1. I like your turquoise filler. I take comfort in that all this thinking may be beneficial long term! Hmm, I have both cut and not cut away in the past. I think I will cut away on BB but at the end just to keep it more stable for now.

    1. Thank you, Karen. That's a great thought, that all this thinking will be beneficial long term. I hope so!
      I think it's a good idea to wait till the end to cut away applique, and probably especially so with a quilt like this, as opposed to once with small blocks that don't get put together till the end.

  2. I totally agree with you that this is a real challenge to come up with the border(s) that "feel" right and are in each of our own styles...Eg. I cannot even begin to imagine what will follow the borders I've done so far!!
    I know you will find the right mix to continue;;;hang in there...;)))
    hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Julierose. I'm making progress. I hope I get the appliques stitched before the next prompt comes out. I wonder about the next border, too!

  3. I love the "fence" applique shapes. As for the sides with nothing, do they all need something? Perhaps in the next round we'll have applique shapes that could spill back and fill in? (Maybe we won't. Maybe you can go back at the end and add in something if it still looks off.) For me, I like the asymmetric look, but that just might be my knee-jerk tendency towards the quilt police?! But I'm glad you're having fun. As for the applique, I usually don't cut out the back. Partly because I'm terrified I'll cut the top too, partly because I'm lazy, partly because my pieces are often small enough that the there isn't really a benefit and partly because I wonder if leaving it in adds stability. But I don't hand quilt, so that's never been a concern. I say do whatever makes you happy and to heck with the "rules"!

    1. Thanks, Katie! I love your "forget the police" attitude. I mostly do what I want but sometimes I think there may be better ways or reasons that I'm not aware of.
      I doubt the sides all need something but I like to see balance, if not equal, then at least with color or something else. Oh, yeh, that next round! Who knows what's coming! But you're right, we can always go back and add more later.
      Thanks, also, for your comments about my ideas for the border. I have most of the border sewn and now have to cut out the applique pieces and stitch them. I'll probably be behind on the next step, too.
      I'm always worried about cutting the front when I cut out behind applique, too. I did once, on a small circle, and was so pleased I was able to fix it easily.

  4. I haven't cut out the backs of applique shapes before, but might with the flower pot on mine since it's so large. For a bed size quilt with a lot of appliques it can add a lot of weight to the finished quilt so that is a factor to consider. Lots of gray and fog here too, waiting for the sunshine to return, rather impatiently I'm afraid.

    1. I always assumed that cutting out the back was what people did. I guess from now on I'll evaluate where the applique will be in a quilt and how much wear it might get in that spot, then decide whether to cut the back or not. I have trouble letting the background fabric "go to waste" hidden behind an applique! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about cutting away the background.
      I hope you've had sunshine by now. We've had three days of sun and it's been wonderful. I think the forecast is for sun or mostly sun through Wednesday.

  5. I love the bright colors of your 9-patch blocks. I signed up for the SAL but after making one of the tiny blocks I decided that I would rather make something else. It turned out okay, I just didn't like the tedious nature of those tiny pieces. I trim behind my applique depending on the project. My Bramble Blooms center has blossoms over stems and it looks bulky so I have trimmed the backside of those particular flowers. So, many questions. . .

    1. Thank you, Robin.  I love those tiny blocks but not enough to make several hundred of them.  I think making them would drive me batty.  Tedious, for sure!
      I'm learning that there's not right or wrong with cutting away behind applique pieces.  I doubt any of my quilts will last long enough to worry about the applique itself wearing out.  Whenever there are stems under flowers I cut away, too.

  6. I love your tiny 9Patches on point! 3" finished is still tiny, yours will be delightful.

    I like the BB suggestion above, that you can always come back and add more appliques or make changes.

    I do not cut away behind applique. I have seen too many antique quilts with the applique fabric entirely worn away, just the buttonhole o chain stitch remaining. If the backing had been remove, there's just be a old hole. It also weakens the top and makes it harder to layer the batting and backing all squares.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comments about my 9-patch blocks, Lizzy.  Three-inch finished is small enough for me.  (Though it's tempting to try a teeny tiny one and use it in the center of one of my 3" blocks.)
      Yes, adding to a border or making changes later is a good option to remember. 
      I think I learned from you that not everyone cuts away behind an applique, and we had a discussion about that.  I think that's why I asked the question, to learn what more quilters do.  Your reasons definitely make sense to me.

  7. I joined Taryn's nine patch sew along too, at the last minute actually, but I have thirty made at this point. I am also doing the 3", the others were just too tiny. I like where you are going with your Bramble Blooms! I think continuing the picket fence to another border would be a good idea. I know Audrey said something about no vines this time, but I was thinking your arcs look like arbors, maybe a bramble/vine trailing through through them? I have never cut the back of my applique, I always felt it would weaken the quilt. I normally only quilt around the applique, but thinking about that my applique pieces are usually smaller shapes. I have one Jan Patek quilt top that has larger shapes, I will probably machine quilt it.

    1. I love those teeny tiny 9-patch blocks but I knew I wasn't interested in making them (except maybe one for the center of one of my blocks). I'm not sure how the scrappiness of mine (9 different fabrics per block sometimes) will look in the end but I hope they'll be fine.
      I wasn't thinking of those arcs as vines, not at all. I hope she doesn't suggest a vine.... I agree that the pickets have to go around parts of two sides--unless I come up with some other idea instead of the pickets.
      Thanks for sharing how you handle the fabric behind an applique, and for all your other comments, too, Rebecca. I appreciate it.


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