Friday, January 19, 2024

Sweet Plants, Bramble Blooms, and Little Four-Patches

For Christmas my daughter gave me the delightful gift of three sweetgrass braids.  Aren't they beautiful?!  I coiled them into a wreath which I keep out whenever the kitties aren't here. 
sweetgrass braids tied into a wreath
When I am near them, their sweet fragrance reminds me that spring and summer aren't so far away. 

Even when I'm unmotivated I feel the need to keep doing.  It's a rare time when I just sit and do nothing.  At times like this it's good have fabric already cut and ready to sew. 
I've been sewing 1½" four-patches for a while with nothing in particular in mind.  They're mostly autumn/natural colors with cream/off-white alternate squares.  I'd been trying to decide what to do, whether to leave them as four-patches, sew four together, or turn them into 9-patch blocks.  And then Taryn of Repro Quilt Lover started the Tiny Nine-Patch Challenge to make little 480 9-patch blocks this year.  (Her squares are cut at 1", so very tiny.)  It didn't take me long to decide to join.  It will be easy enough to turn these 4-patches into really scrappy 9-patches.  Will I succeed at making 480 this year?  That's 9-10 per week.  We'll see.

Bramble Blooms is often on my mind and I'm feeling pressure to make decisions.  The kitties will arrive on Sunday and I'll have to have it off the floor before they get here (so they don't use it as a skating opportunity). 

All the while I was stitching the center I was thinking of arcs in a border.  I didn't know what the prompt would be for the first border and was glad to see it included applique.  Thinking of arcs was as far as my mind went.  I didn't consider what the background color behind them would be or how many there would be or whether they would surround the whole block.  So I've been playing. 

I love the teal surrounding the center and I think I like the arcs, though maybe they should be a little more uniform in shape and size.  Or maybe not arcs but something else.  (I have no idea what.)  That blue star on the circle will go.  It's too distracting!
Bramble Blooms in progress
Below, the narrow teal border gets brown all the way around.  But the arcs (or not)?  Cream/off-white like the center background fabrics?
Bramble Blooms in progress
Maybe red arcs?  Red on brown?  Maybe a dark red stripe for the quarter square triangles in the upper left?  Maybe fewer arcs?  And on how many sides?  Or no arcs?
Bramble Blooms in progress
Or maybe cream fabrics, or cream with prints for the arcs, or even red-print arcs?  I thought the prints were distracting and I didn't think the one with red on it worked.  It looks pink. 
Bramble Blooms in progress
But wait, maybe a narrow teal border with a wide cream border?  I could make red arcs.  Or brown.  But is it too bland?
Bramble Blooms in progress
Oh, wait again.  What about a narrow brown border with a wider teal border?  I love teal but maybe not that.
Bramble Blooms in progress
I'm leaning toward a narrow teal and a wide brown border. 
Bramble Blooms in progress
I'll have to figure out the arcs--color, size, and whether on one side or two, three, or four.  Or no arcs and something else instead.  But what, if not arcs?

I also need to decide about the quarter square triangles.  I'm thinking of using the same fabric as the border with another fabric for the strips between the triangles.  Maybe--maybe one of the greens I used for the flowers.  Maybe.  Or maybe that for the square in the center.  Lots of decisions yet to make.

My concern is this:  What happens next?  What will I do on the next border after such a strong color on the first border?   How would it look to have a light border next to the brown?  Or next to the arcs, for that matter?  Or how would it look to have another dark border next to the brown?   Heck, I don't even know what the prompt will be for the next border!

I have lots of decisions to make and I'd like to make a few of them before Saturday evening.

Can fun be stressful?  Does it always have to be relaxing?  I'm enjoying this process and I think I'm having fun. 

Both the dried sweetgrass at the beginning of this post and the sweet woodruff, below, smell like sweet clover.  It's such a refreshing fragrance to me.
sweet woodruff in a pot
If you've visited here before you may remember this pot of sweet woodruff.  It's grown a lot since I last posted it, and I'm so pleased that it's grown, even it if is getting a little leggy.  (That dead stem on the left was a cutting I stuck in the soil hoping it might root.  It didn't.)  If the plants in the pot survive till early April, I can put the pot outside again and plant in May.

I'm linking this post to
Finished (or not) Friday at Alycia Quilts
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Off the Wall Friday at Creations at Nina Marie's blog
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. Hi Nancy. I really like the teal border with the off white arcs.

    1. Thanks for sharing your preference for the border and arc colors, Hubblebird. I had to put it away for a few days and will pull it out tomorrow to make decisions on the the borders and applique.

  2. I like the arcs idea a lot--and also the teal borders. I am finding this Bramble a bit too "nerve-wracking" for me right now-- I am shelving mine until inspiration hits???!! [Mine is hanging on my wall down near the floor if that tells you anything!!]
    Anyhoo--we are having bitter cold here today with wind chills of 9-11; I am tackling my "started and stopped" project bins this morning. S I G H continue or relegate to the scrap bags?
    After all, I can't continue to have them on my mind making me guilty!!
    I keep reminding myself "It's supposed to be fun, Julie!! It's okay to stop if you don't like it!!"
    Take care hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your preferences for the borders and applique, Julierose. And I'm glad you picked up yours to continue with it after all.
      Our weather was so very cold last week, and now we have rain bringing cold damp days with the greyest of grey skies. Monday was bright and sunny for which I'm so grateful.
      No, absolutely not, it wouldn't be right to let those projects make you feel guilty. Banish them to the scrap bags!
      About fun.... I've been trying to decide if being challenging can also be fun.... And I tell myself that this quilt doesn't have to be perfect improv but I need to like it when it's finished -- and that I have another chance with BB2 when this one's done.

  3. You've got a lot of pretty fabrics to choose from. I, too, like that skinny teal border with a wider brown and the arcs add some nice visual interest. I added darker borders to mine and am wondering how that will play with the next round, but have decided not to worry about it. That's next prompt Katie's problem. (Right now Katie needs to decide what to applique.) And I had to giggle about the kitties - I laid out my center, added border pieces and, as I was sewing the cornerstones, the two youngest kitties decided it was a good place to wrestle. Four lint roller sheets later and I think we're back to normal amounts of fur on things around here. I'd wish for a design wall, but since the youngest shows no fear of climbing my legs/pants, I'm sure that wouldn't work for long!

    1. Thanks for indicating which choices of colors you like best, Katie. And with you, I wonder what will happen in the next border and how it will play with the dark border. I guess we'll just have to figure out something that works.
      What is it with cats and fabric?! And wrestling on and skating across quilt blocks on the floor? It's crazy. So glad the lint rollers worked! Have you seen Sally Trude's blog, The Objects of Design (, where she often posts about her two rescue cats, Buddy and Molly. They're very helpful in her quilting endeavors, too.

  4. You have a lot of promising ideas to ponder with Bramble Blooms, I really love the teal and hope you'll find the best way to feature it in your borders.. I used to have a small sweetgrass basket made by an Alaska native lady,, I think one of my kids inherited it many years ago since I can't remember the last place I saw it. The joy of failing memory ...

    1. Thank you, Pat. Yes, I love the teal fabric, too. And yes, I think it will play a part in the finished quilt.
      After my daughter gave me the sweet grass, I was looking online for more information and came across some information about the baskets. I guess they take quite a long time to make. How wonderful that you had one to enjoy for a while.
      About the failing memory. I only just now considered the blessing that it is to forget something AND be able to let it go without worrying about it. As in, you had the basket, you enjoyed the basket, and you don't feel the need to know where the basket is now. I need to practice that a bit.....

  5. The sweetgrass is a lovely mindful gift from your daughter. Does she grow it, or it grows on her land? I have a tiny sweetgrass basket from my childhood, still has the faintest whiff of its distinctive perfume, or so I imagine. The potted sweet woodruff looks very green and growing.

    You have many good ideas for BB. I can see youre inspired to try things. I do like the crock's circle annd star, but you know best.


    1. My younger daughter who doesn't live on a farm gave me the sweetgrass. She is a very thoughtful gift giver. She ordered it online from a place in Billings, Montana. How wonderful that you still have a sweetgrass basket. It must be a treasure.
      I liked the idea of the star on the circle for the crock, Lizzy, but chose something else because it would have been highly unlikely for a real Albany slip crock to have a star and even less likely for it to have had a blue star. Sometimes what's "real" gets in my way.... Maybe someday I'll make a quilt with a completely unrealistic crock and put the blue star on it.

  6. This is wonderful. I love the idea of the arcs. I'll have to use that someday - hee hee. I like the narrow teal border and the wide brown one. I think it sets off the center very well. I also like the high contrast of the arc with a lighter color. It kind of repeats the center but the red is nice too. I've never heard of sweetgrass, I'll have to look that up. I started Taryn's SAL tiny 9-patches. I made one tiny one and it turned out well but I hated working with the little pieces. So I haven't decided if I'm going to go larger or just skip it and work on my other projects. I'm still working on my 4-patch build-a-quilt. Gotta get that one done and in the closet. My eyes need a break from those fabrics. Enjoyed your blog today!

    1. Thank you, Robin.  I think the narrow teal with a wider brown border is my favorite, too, and I'll probably choose that.  I hope to finish the applique on the center tomorrow and then, with the kitties gone, I can put it back down on the floor and make final decisions about fabric and color, applique motifs, measurements, placement, etc.  I need to get busy!
      I love Taryn's teeny tiny four-patches but I don't want to make them.  I don't think I would enjoy the process and think it would be too fiddly for me.  Using 1½" squares is small enough for me.  Did you decide to continue or not?  I haven't been on Facebook for ages and ages but I guess I need to get on see what's going on with her SAL.

  7. So many great ideas! I do like the teal border, but will not say anything else. Decisions, decision! I have so many to make for my own Bramble project I feel incapable of advising anyone else. I have confidence in your sense of design and color,and I am sure you will come up with something just right!

    1. Yes, Rebecca.  Lots of ideas equals more decisions to make!  You stopped after saying you like the teal border and I'd love to hear the rest of your thoughts.  I always enjoy reading others' opinions because so often another person will notice something that I didn't or see something that didn't capture my attention or that I gave a thought to.
      I think it's sometimes easier to be objective and notice details in someone else's work than it is our own.  So often I'll finish a quilt and then notice something that should have been obvious before I ever sewed blocks together!
      I think your center and fist border are looking great!  I like that you posted photos of some of the fabrics and appliques you're thinking about.

  8. I guess by now you have made a few decisions. I too like the teal; it contrasts so well with your blooms. I did chuckle when I read your post, as I'm going through much the same processes of indecision!

    1. Thank you, Linda.  I have made a few decisions but am still undecided about some other things.  I'm not inherently creative so it takes me a while to consider ideas and possibilities, and even, sometimes, to come up with ideas.  I think a lot of us are going through similar processes of indecision--not just and and me.

  9. What a fun post! I really hope you are having fun too though of course the decisions just seem to mulitply. ha! These are great colors and I adore the arch idea for the border. Always a fave of mine!:)

    1. Thank you, Audrey. I am having fun, even if it is a little (or a lot) challenging. I don't know why this quilt is so different for me except maybe because it's a medallion. I usually don't make a quilt knowing how it will look in the end, though most of them are blocks which are maybe less creative and challenging than medallion quilts.
      I just finished the narrow teal border today and am now waffling about whether to use brown for the next border. Will I be able to recover from a wide, dark border as the second border?! (Not asking for a hint for the next border, but trying to envision possibilities for it not to look odd.) And still dithering about the applique on the border....
      Those arcs seemed so novel and creative when I first thought of them. I was looking on pinterest the other day for the first time in a few years and what did I see but similar arc/arches!
      How are you doing and how is your husband? You didn't say what his illness was but I'm hoping it's one that is temporary and that he can recover from instead of something that will affect his health long-term. Know that you're both in my prayers when I think of you.
      Thanks again for hosting this quilt-along!


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