Saturday, February 24, 2024

Well, I Don't Know....

Here's my Bramble Blooms so far.  The birds are not appliqued yet because I'm still adjusting the placement of the larger bird.  I think the birds' color is okay but I wish I had a print fabric in a similar shade/tone to give a little more interest and depth.  (Or maybe the bird should be grey?)
Bramble Blooms 1
I don't know....  I never know about fabric choices until things are stitched down, at which point it's a little late to make changes (unless I want to devote hours and hours to unstitching and restitching again). 

At first I thought about green pickets but when I got ready to sew them, they just seemed wrong.  So I went with the cream/tan/pink print ones.
Bramble Blooms 1 fabric consideration
I'm looking at this as a learning experience.  If I were to remake this quilt, what changes and improvements would I make?
Bramble Blooms 1
If I make another version/variation, how would it be different?  Would I change colors, or motifs, or placements?

I'm learning how unbrave (cowardly?) I am with color.  I tend to go for "safe" colors.  Maybe that makes for a boring quilt?

In the photos above, the lighter browns in the middle photo are more accurate to the in-person browns.

As always, I'm thrilled to read your comments, thoughts, and observations about this part of Bramble Blooms (or any other quilts I'm working on and post about).  I always appreciate that readers see and notice things I don't.  Thank you.

It shouldn't take me long to stitch the birds when I finally begin.  At least I'm mostly caught up for the next prompt when Audrey posts about it in coming weeks.

Two weeks ago it seemed like spring was coming along nicely, and then that Friday we had a wonderful snowstorm.  It took a few days to melt and we had spring weather again. This morning I awoke to several inches of snow.  Even with the snows, it seems like Phil's prediction of an early spring might be more accurate than not.  The prediction for several days next week is in the 60s and for 71 degrees on March 4. 

I hope you're having a good weekend!


  1. I adore what you've done here! The way you carried the blues from one border to the next, the same with the pale pinks. And everything is so nicely balanced. Great job! Our weather has also been see-saw with the temps and snow. Today was cold and sunny with flurries in the morning. Tomorrow, who knows.

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments and observations about this BB center, Pat.  I appreciate them.
      Thank you, too, for offering to look at your fabric for ones similar to the birds.  You're so kind!  I searched my fabrics again and found one that's really close but just a tad brighter.  It's a tiny, tiny gingham and I like it.
      I hope your weather is slowly (or quickly) getting warmer and more spring-like.  We've had cold, then warm, then cold.  I remind myself that it is still winter and that I should anticipate the possibility of snow.

  2. p.s., if you have an extra little piece of that blue bird fabric and want to mail it to me with the size pieces you would need I can check my stash and send you photos of anything similar in hue and see if anything might work for you.

  3. I love what you've done. The Birds are wonderful, and the other colors so rich and warm. The first border stripe and dot are beautifully geometric, subtly graphic, then the pale pink fence is whimsical and sweet. [roses on a Nantucket grey fence, in my imagination].

    I too would be happy to look for a blue for your birds, pls do not make them grey. It's fun that you so enjoy the snows. I used to also, but in recent years the fairly constant power failures and high winds have somewhat spoiled snow for me. Warm days in March! How tantalizing.



    1. Thank you for your kind comments and observations about this BB center, Lizzy. I appreciate them. I like the idea of roses on the fence....
      Thank you, too, for your offer of looking at your fabric. I did find another fabric that's really similar to the blue but just a tad brighter. There's barely a difference unless you look close.
      I do love winter snow but if I were in your situation, with power outages and strong winds, I know I would like it a lot less. Winter used to be my second favorite season but without snow I think, what's the point? Let's just move on to spring if we can't have snow. But I know it's the quiet season and without it we wouldn't have the beauty of spring, or enjoy it as much as we do.

  4. I think it's really charming appliqué. I think you are on the right track with the blue bird. Even a slightly more vibrant "glowy" blue against the muted colors, would look good. Enjoy your early spring weather! The sunshine is so wonderful this time of year.

    1. Thanks so much, Cynthia. I found a tiny, tiny gingham that adds just the brightness the bird needs without changing the color much.
      Yes, the sunshine is grand! You are probably having even warmer, sunnier weather there in NC than we are here in Ohio. Enjoy!

  5. Your Bramble Blooms is perfect! I love the birds, too. Making them a bit brighter with the aqua would be my choice. The quilt is pretty enough to justify a little trip to the quilt store....
    Sharon M

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I did find a slightly brighter fabric on my shelf for one of the birds and I like it.
      Do you have a blog and if so, can you send me the url. I'd love to visit.

  6. I really like what you've done to bring in the blues--those little birds are so charming as is that picket fence...I also like the blue for the birds...nice echoing of that border...and will enable you to go into more blues on the next round if you wish.
    You've really captured a nice "moment" with this seeing flowers first burst into bloom...;)))hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you for sweet comments and observations about this BB center, Julierose. I appreciate them!

  7. There is so much for the eye to look at in this little quilt - so much interest. I think it is a sweetheart of a quilt. About color choices. . . I tend to automatically go for the colors that work for me and have more of a struggle working outside my norm But, I have to say, when I use the colors I'm used to, I always like the quilt. Often when I go outside my color zone - that quilt gets given away (like the crazy thing I created with the Blitzen fabric that my daughter took home).

    1. Thank you, Robin. Do you think it's too busy, with so much to look at? (Even if it were, I wouldn't change it now!)
      I appreciate your observations about color choices and always liking a quilt in which you've used colors you like and are used to. I'll have to give that more thought and see if I can think of any quilts I've made with colors I really didn't like or wasn't comfortable with. I guess what I was thinking is that maybe my quilts are reading a level of boredom when I use the same colors. Food for thought!

  8. I love it !! especially the addition of the birds! Your fabric choices are perfect and I really love the red corner. We will see what is next!

    1. Thank you, Rebecca.  I like the birds but am having second thoughts about the red corner.  Not the fabric but the placement of it, as in maybe it should have gone a little lower on the left side border.....  But I'm not changing anything now!
      I've been trying to imagine what could be next.  Maybe a block of our choice, or Audrey will suggest a block?  Or words?  Or...?  There are probably lots of possibilities I haven't even thought about!

  9. I am really happy about the color of the birds. It gives nice depth to the whole appearance.
    Whatever colors make you feel good about the project are the ones to use.

    1. Thank you for your comments and observations, Janet. I was worried the blue of the birds gave the impression of shadows and darkened the little scene. Anyway, I found a tiny, tiny gingham with a similar blue and a slightly lighter teal, which I used for the larger bird. It makes such a subtle difference that I doubt most people would notice without looking closely. If you visit my next post and leave a comment, you can let me know what you think.

  10. First off, thanks for the links in the last post. I will be checking them out. I love the birds and am thinking of a bird or two for my BB. I think your piece is developing a certain ambience, all your colour choices work beautifully in an understated but lovely way. I admire this very much, Nancy.

    1. You're welcome for the links, Jocelyn.
      Thank you so much for your kind comments and observations about this BB center so far. It's been both fun and challenging.

  11. I like the birds being a little understated. They're not showy or trying to steal the show, but they're still clearly there. As for safe color choices, I see nothing wrong with that. I tend towards bright, saturated fabrics that may look more brave, but are actually my safe zone!

    1. Thank you for your comments about the birds, Katie.  I did change the fabric of the larger one to a slightly lighter color but still not an in-your-face fabric.
      It's fun to learn that everyone's safe colors are not the same.  I know whenever I see bright colors in quilts I usually think the quilter is brave with color, pushing herself outside her comfort zone.  I'm so wrong!


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.