Wednesday, September 4, 2024

One Monthly Goal for September, 2024

This is a such a little goal, almost not worth mentioning, but because I've been so highly unmotivated, accomplishing even a small goal, or several small goals, will be progress.

In September, my goals are
1)  to finish stitching the two flowers on this block, and
(2) to thread baste the edges of these baskets for applique.  Getting them stitched to the background would be great, but that's not part of my monthly goal.

After these three baskets are finished, I have just two more to applique. Dare I imagine these becoming a finished quilt top this year?  That expectation might be a little too high since I have another knee replacement surgery scheduled for October 22.

One goal at a time....

I'm linking this post to September One Monthly Goal at Stories from the Sewing Room.  Thanks for hosting, Anne-Marie.



  1. I think that is just a fine and reasonable goal if you feel unmotivated;)))
    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now--so just take it slow and easy--no deadlines....hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words, Julierose. My daughter keeps reminding me that my knee is still healing. The outer incision has been healed for many weeks, but the inner incision takes longer to heal, so they tell me. One of these days I hope to have more energy.

  2. I think your goal is just fine. Even if you only put in one stitch, you're still a stitch closer than you were before.

    1. Thank you, Anne-Marie. Yes, those one stitches all add up. I guess I just have higher expectations which, at the moment, I know I can't quite meet.

  3. I think these are a perfect project as you recuperate from Knee One and get ready for Knee Two. The Baskets of Zinnies are darling and will make you smile.

    1. Thank you, Lizzy. These were a good choice. The stitching is simple, they're portable (from room to room or to the car), and the flowers are bright. I just finished the flowers on the basket today.

  4. Oh! I didn't realize you had another knee surgery coming up. So sorry you have to do this all over again. I hope you're still healing well and finding things to keep you busy. Too bad you can't take a drive and recuperate at the beach or something.

    1. I'm sorry I have to do another knee surgery all over again, too. I hesitated about doing the second knee so soon but I was afraid my doctor might retire in the next year or so and I wanted the same doctor to do both knees. And then I realized that it was probably better that way since my old knee is causing discomfort for my new knee.
      My daughter and I had a discussion a few weeks ago about recuperating at the beach, too. It sounded wonderful, at first, but then I realized walking would be even harder on the sand. But we're tentatively planning a trip to the beach the week before General Conference. I hope the weather cooperates and there isn't a hurricane then!
      The pain in my knee is mostly gone except for occasional spikes if I move wrong or when I have to get up from a low chair. I've been trying to get back to usual things and have been doing some cooking and laundry, a little cleaning. I've also been stitching the zinnia basket and some scrappy stars. Little progress. Bramble Blooms is at the back of my mind but I haven't actually done anything with it--and I'm still on BBI, first border! Maybe I can catch up next year?
      Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment, Robin. I appreciate it!

  5. I have come to realize that not every goal has to be a BHAG --big huge audacious goal -- small steps can bring satisfaction and progress. The flower baskets are charming.

    1. Oh, you're so right, Nann.  I guess it's just that a whole month to do so little is just, well, so little.  But it's still progress.  Thanks for the encouragement.

  6. I love your little plaid baskets! And the flowers are just perfect in them. Will you be adding flowers to the other ones? Every stitch adds to the whole, which is what I keep telling myself on my hexie quilt. (Some days very few stitches are done.) I was surprised that your next knee surgery is so soon, but I understand your reasons. At least you know what to expect this time. Praying for a successful operation and a quick recovery!

    1. Thank you for your comments about the little plaid baskets, Rebecca. All the baskets will have flowers. I have only four more baskets to stitch now and they'll get between one and three flowers each.
      Yes, every stitch! I like that thought.
      I wish my second knee surgery weren't so soon but there are several reasons why I chose to do it now. My left leg will not extend straight because of arthritis so it seems like it's shorter than my right leg which causes an unusual gait. My left knee also bumps my right knee because of where the cartilage is worn down in that knee. And I was concerned my doctor might retire before I could get the left knee done if I waited too long. I'm dreading it but at least it will be over!


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.