Sunday, February 16, 2025

Still Slowly Stitching

These are the next two pages of my 100 Day Stitchbook hosted by Ann Wood Homemade. 100 day stitchbook 2025 The strip across the center of the one above is a piece of bark cloth.  I had an uneven yard of it and after squaring it up for a tablecloth, I had a long, narrow strip.  The other fabrics are ones I love but had only small pieces.
100 day stitchbook 2025
The pointed strip on the right is from a Cheri Payne sew-along which I decided not to use it as I originally thought.  The flower in the center is from an apron my daughter used until it was mostly worn out. 

I remember taking a drawing class in college in which the professor told us over and over, "Fill the page!"  I guess that stuck with me even when it comes to cloth pages, especially the first two that I posted last week.  These two sort of have borders.

I'm finding making these pages fun but I think they're more staid than creative.  I'm using leftovers from applique projects and other small scraps.  Prints are a little harder for this use, I think.  Maybe I need to dig out some other fabrics--maybe solids?--to integrate into some of the upcoming pages.

Our local library has a small bookshop where the friends of the library organization sell donated books.  They have also started making magazines available for free.  This J. & P. Coats 100 Embroidery Stitches was included in the magazine bin.  It's from 1979. I thought perhaps embroidery might enliven my stitchbook pages.  Maybe....

We had the most beautiful snow today.  It rained all last night but this morning, as we were getting ready to leave for church, the snow began.  Big heavy flakes that coated the leaves and branches of trees, twigs, shrubs, everything.  The day was so grey yet beautiful, too.  On the way home I pulled out my new phone and took some photos.  Being new, the phone and I are not well-acquainted  yet.  Moving photos from it to my computer is more complicated that with my old phone.  Wouldn't you know, I lost all the photos!  Gone forever.  (I'm spoiled with the ease of taking digital photos but challenged by technology.)

I'm linking this post to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.  Thank you for hosting, Kathy.



  1. Your stitched book creations look like a lot of fun, I think as you make more pages you'll find your creative mojo with each succeeding page. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Pat. I really appreciate it.

  2. Your pages look like a soothing way to spend a few hours. I seem to be stuck in the function camp where things I make need to have a use. I long to just be creative instead of forcing myself to make progress on a project I've lost interest in. I think your pages will look lovely with a little bit of embroidery and look forward to seeing what you come up with. I'm sure it will be pretty. So glad you got some snow and sorry about loosing the photos. I just send the photos to my email and then download them from my email to my computer. It's not very efficient but it works. Temecula new SAL looks like it might be fun. It already has all the colors picked out which has exhausted me on my current Thimbleberries project.

    1. You know, Robin, I go for function, too, which is why I rarely make small quilt, but for some reason, this captured my interest.  I suspect it is a distraction from other things I don't want to think about.  The play takes longer than the stitching.  If I'm going to continue, I think I need to play less and stitch more.
      This new phone is interesting.  It stored the photos in google photos, a program I've never used in the past, so at least I still have them.  I don't know yet how to get to them, though....I'll try your method next!  Thanks for suggesting it.
      I hope your Thimbleberries quilt is coming along well.  

  3. Your stitchbook pages are looking lovely;))) Lovely backgrounds for your stitching...
    Very windy here all last night and still today...cold front moving in...brrr
    Stay warm--hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose.
      Did you get snow or only wind and cold? Sometimes I think those two are more uncomfortable than snow (though, of course, there is the shoveling of the snow).
      We are warm. I hope you've stayed warm, too.

  4. The stitch book pages look wonderful - when I did it last year I found it to be a great way to use that last little bit of favorite fabric I couldn't part with and it seems you're doing the same. I'm sorry to hear you lost all your photos. I have always transferred those I want to my computer, but it IS a pain in the behind! (Even now that they're in the cloud, I fight with it and pull them down just to be safe.)

    1. Thank you, Katie. Yes, there are some pieces of favorite fabrics that are too small for much of anything and I'm using them on the pages. I didn't realize there were others who couldn't part with small scraps!
      It seems that the phone stored the photos in google photos, a program I've never used. I'll have to figure out how to get to the photos and put them on my computer so I can use them. Technology is way ahead of me and I can't keep up.


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