Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cutting Binding, Squaring Corners

I cut the binding before I finished the quilting, but I had just one corner block left and knew I would finish it today.

I deliberated about using colored binding but finally decided that white/cream/off-white would be best, especially because the quilt doesn't have a border.  But if I did use a color, what color would it be?  One color, scrappy colors?  If scrappy colors, what arrangement?  I thought about medium/dark colors around the corners and light colors toward the center edges but didn't think I could make it work.  Too many choices!

I squared the quilt and tomorrow I hope to pin and stitch the binding.  And be done!

I like this quilt a lot but sometimes when I get near the end of quilting, I can hardly wait to just be done with it.  I hope it will be finished by Friday.  We'll see.

I'm linking to
WOW at Esther's Blog
W.i.P. Wednesday at Freshly Pieced



  1. Beautiful! I love how you arranged the lighter squares in the center, radiating out to dark.

    1. Thank you, Ellie. When playing with the layout I decided it would work with the lights in the center but now that it's finished and photographed, I'm surprised to see what happened. To me, there's an ethereal look about it.

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  2. Very pretty, and I totally have those moments at the end.

  3. Very nice! On first look I thought there was a border. :) So I think it might have looked good if you had decided on a dark binding, possibly scrappy, sort of a continuation of the light to dark theme. I agree that a mix lights and darks would be hard to pull off. Good luck, you're so close!


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