Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How Scrappy is Too Scrappy?

What do you think (and questions I'm asking myself):
Can a two-color scrappy quilt be too scrappy?

Can too many fabrics interrupt the pattern in a 2-color scrappy quilt?  I have a dozen or so more reds and greens.

Do I need to be more careful about fabric value, either within each block or throughout the whole quilt? 

Is there a limit to the variety of fabrics that will carry the pattern?  Do too many fabrics get in the way of the pattern?  Or do too few fabrics not work for a scrappy quilt?

Is it better to make each block with only 2 fabrics and then put the blocks together?

I'm thinking of this as a leaders/enders quilt but before cutting scraps to size I thought I should take a few photos, make a collage, then see what I think.  Now that I've done that, I'm not sure what I think.

I know that if the colors have to be too controlled, I probably won't follow through and it will be very scrappy.  But I'm willing to work at a little control - a specific green (or red) fabric for the diagonal squares through each block or through several blocks; or a specific red (or green) fabric for the triangles in a block or through several blocks.

I know I'll get bored if I can use only two fabrics on a two-color quilt.  I've tried it before and the quilt still sits, unfinished.  

Hmmmm.  So many considerations.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I'm linking to
W.i.P. Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
WOW at Esther's Blog



  1. I think this would be a good quilt for a man or boy, or someone who likes subdued colors. I like the way it is looking, I'm really bad about trying to control scrappy quilts too, but have noticed that some of the best quilts I have seen are the ones where people use just whatever. I would continue doing what you have already started and just use all of your reds and grays.

    1. Thank you for your input, Missy. I've never done a 2-color scrappy quilt so I'll have a good learning experience from this, I think. I know I can continue to sew red and green squares and triangles together, then do a sample layout before sewing the blocks together. I hope that will give me an idea about how scrappy or how controlled to go. We'll see!

  2. I tend to mix mine up as much as possible. I always find that close up the mix looks a little odd, but when the whole quilt is together, it looks amazing. Good luck.

    1. I've noticed that too, Frances, and I can never decide whether I want a quilt to look great up close or from a distance. I usually see my quilts up close, but when I look at photos of quilts, I love some of the scrappiest ones. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. I firmly believe that there is no such thing as "too scrappy".

    1. Thanks for sharing your thought about scrappy, Carol. When I see others' quilts I would agree, but then I look at my scraps and wonder if others would edit out some of the ones I have.... (Especially for a 2-color quilt.) It will be fun to play.

  4. I like that you have a few blocks with repeats and others without. I think good scrappy quilts always run the entire range between very light and very darks so as to give movement. So true what Frances said about scrappy quilts looking better from a distance where you have a chance to see the pattern 'pop'. Looks great to me!

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Audrey. They sent me back to the photo to take a good look at the lights and darks to see what was happening. I'll keep playing for now.

  5. I think it's looking good. I love using scraps but I use them in a controlled manner, I select the ones that work together and stick to that. I'm definitely not one for empty the scrap buckets and using everything together just because it's a scrap :)

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Gemma. I've not done a 2-color scrap quilt before I guess I'm leaning toward limiting the fabrics to include. I'm just not sure which ones to include and which to omit. I'll play a bit more before deciding, I guess.

  6. Tricky! I really like what you've done so far and can see where you've 'controlled' the scraps. I'm leaning towards throw them in a bag and pick blind - though I know I could never do this myself! It'll turn out great, your stuff always does, Nancy :)

    1. Hi, Jennifer --

      I'm chuckling at your suggestion to throw them in the bag and pick blind but say you could never do that. I think I've made similar suggestions to others - "I think it would look great if you did this" (knowing I couldn't possibly do it myself). I think it's easier to be objective when we're looking at someone else's work and not our own. I know, too, Jennifer, that if you DID choose to pick blind, your quilt would be gorgeous. You have such a lovely way with fabrics, colors, and patterns. Thanks for your kind words.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Linda. I appreciate it.

  8. You can never have too many scraps, particular in a two colour quilt. I have made about 10 two colour modern scrap quilts and the more fabrics I use the more interesting the quilt. Embrace the scrap.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement to use more fabrics. I may be headed that way.

  9. Haha, I was going to say "you can never be too scrappy!" but Cath beat me to it ;) Loving this!

  10. I can't answer your questions, but I can say I love how it's looking. It was cute enough to catch my attention amongst all the other things on Freshly Pieced's WIP Wednesday link-up. I'm not sure how big this is and I assume you are aiming to make a full-sized quilt, but if the scrappiness gets too much for you, I think this would make an excellent Christmas table runner.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Willit, and thanks for suggesting a table runner. It seems like I either quit a quilt if it's not going well or finish it I think it's going to "work" -- and never think of the in-between option of a table runner or some smaller finish. Each block with 5 4-patches and 4 triangle squares will finish at 9", so not tiny and not huge, either. You're right, it would work for Christmas. But not this Christmas, I don't think, since it's a leader/ender project just now. I just wanted to be sure whether I thought it would work before cutting all the pieces. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  11. I love scrappy quilts and really like what you've posted. Your picture really drew me to your blog from the WIP Link Up, so I think you have that going for you. It's not too crazy as it has definite structure and pattern. I think it is totally working out.

  12. I love controlled! I say let the colours speak to you. I love what you've done so far. Dropping by from WIP Wednesday.

  13. My motto is, "the scrappier, the better"! It looks great!

    1. Thanks for sharing your motto, Karen. I've made some pretty wild, multi-colored scrappy quilts but this with one, I will probably go scrappy but within a color range.

  14. There is no such thing as too scrappy! scrappy is my middle name lol!


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.