Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Not Enough Quilt Time

I don't know what the finished quilt with these blocks will look like yet.  I enjoy looking at the blocks hanging there in no particular arrangement with regards to lights/darks, etc.  I like the variety of fabrics and the sameness of the block pattern.  Repetition with variety is very pleasing to my eye.  I have 18 more to stitch together and some are in progress, other are just cut fabric.  They will finish at 9½" which is a larger block than I usually make.  It will be fun to play with them after they're finished.

Olivia's quilt is still in progress.

The flowers are quilted with an outline around the edges and inside the edges of each flower and down the middle of each leaf, and I've started quilting the rest of the borders.  I forget about working over Valentine's Day and how little energy I have at the end of a day.  It slows down my progress.  I hope I finish it before Olivia is walking!

I've also been stitching a blessing dress and slip for Olivia.  (I wasn't able to get a good photo:  they are all white and bleached out no matter how I tried to photograph them.)  Sometimes my slow pace is because of indecision.  Buttons or snaps?  Embroidery or lace?  Short or long?  Long or longer?  I eventually decide, and then reconsider again.  It's the challenge of trying to make things perfectly.

All in all, I've had too little time quilting!

I'm linking this post to W.i.P. Wednesday at Freshly Pieced and WOW at Esther's Blog.



  1. I love the arranged blocks and look forward to seeing what becomes of them. And the hand quilting is beautiful, on a beautiful quilt!

    Elizabeth E.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. I appreciate your encouraging words.

  2. Your blocks look great. You've done a fantastic job getting the proportions right for the inner "sashing" and stars. However the top comes together in the end, I'm sure it will be wonderful. As will the blessing dress. Do your best and it will be perfect.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Ann Marie. They help bolster my (slim) confidence!

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  3. Your blocks are beautiful!!! They shine - I just love planned scrappy :) I too wish there were more hours in my day so I could accomplish more quilting.

    1. Thank you, Teresa. I love scrappy but I'm still learning how scrappy is too scrappy and how scrappy is just scrappy enough.

      I've decided the only two ways to have more time in the day are to sleep less or work faster -- neither of which I seem to be able to manage. If you figure out a way, I hope you'll let me know!

      Take care and thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  4. Lovely quilt blocks! Will this be a gift, or a gift to yourself? Also, I was struck with Applique Envy when I looked at the photo of Olivia's quilt. Beautiful job! I would love to be good at applique, but I'm sure not...

    1. I'm not sure what will happen with this quilt when it's finished. I don't have a particular purpose or person in mind.

      Oh, applique. I have a love/hate relationship with applique. I love looking at other people's applique and also sometimes have Applique Envy, but it's not a process I'm thrilled with -- at least not yet. Maybe one of these days.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. It's always appreciated.

  5. ooooh, those star-in-a-star blocks are great!!


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