Sunday, March 2, 2014

More Snow

This photo is a view from one of our upstairs back windows.  It was taken almost exactly a year ago.  It looks almost exactly like I could have taken it today!  Can we really have had so much snow in March two years in a row?

With Edna T. Helberg I say....

               Why oh why does it take so long?
               I'm sure the calendar can't be wrong.
               Sunshine fills my heart with cheer.
               I wish that spring were really here.

It's not literal sunshine that fills my heart - it's the hope of real sunshine!  I know we have another 3 weeks until spring is officially here but wouldn't it be nice if spring were already ushering winter toward the door?

I hope you're staying safe and warm.



  1. Spring will be SO welcome this year. Do you think we will have a mini baby boom in the fall?

  2. Yes, Nancy, it's certainly time for Spring to arrive. Definitely need some sunshine on my bones :)

  3. We got a teaser today of ~35-40 degrees, but then Old Man Winter is going to slap us back into reality Tuesday with another 2-3 inches of snow. It never quits... This is the Winter That Won't End.

    1. Hi, Karen --
      I don't remember where you live.... We were in Kentucky over the weekend until today and had weather in the 70s -- and then yesterday it was back to the teens! We drove home today and there were not many signs of spring - no mist of green in the bushes, no tiny red nubs on trees, not even sprouts of green flowers on the ground. I think I heard it's supposed to get warmer this weekend but all things considered, that doesn't seem to mean much, esp. if it gets cold two days later. I know spring WILL come, it's just a question of WHEN!


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