Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Star and Centers for Flowers

I've been working on my Gwenny-Inspired Medallion quilt.  This might look like a small star....

scrappy star for gwennie-inspired medallion quilt

And I'm still trying to decide on the centers for the flowers in the basket in the center of the medallion.  The "perfect" fabric seems to be elusive -- or at least not in my collection.  Ha!

applique flower for gwennie-inspired medallion quilt

applique flower for gwennie-inspired medallion quilt

applique flower for gwennie-inspired medallion quilt

I tried several yellows and they looked garish.  Blues/aquas/turquoises looked bland.  Red won't do it because the flowers are all in the red range.  Brown was too dark.  I don't think I want solid black.  This checked black layered with this yellow/coral may work -- or not.  It works with the basket better than any of the other centers but I need to look at in the daylight, too.  I may finish the quilt and still be trying to decide on the centers for these flowers -- but I hope not!

Thanks for visiting and especially thanks if you leave a comment.

I'm linking this post to
Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework
WOW at Esther's Blog
Let's Bee Social #130 at Sew Fresh Quilts
Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation

Happy day to you!


  1. I like that black check with center! Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the vote for that checked fabric, Kathy. I thought maybe a plain black would work but it just seems to need the little bit of light with the dark. I'm bound to find the "perfect" fabrics one of these days, right? Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  3. Those blocks turned turned out nicely!

  4. I think the centers you show here look good. I like the combo of the print and check. : )

    1. Thank you, Janet. I don't want that very center fabric to be too light so I might play just a little longer. I think the fabric in the photo makes the flowers look very "sweet." I like sweet, I just didn't start out with the idea of sweet for this quilt.

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I appreciate your insights. You have a good eye for what works.

  5. Love the black check, and with the soft pink centres it's all looking like a lovely pretty bouquet! I just popped back to see your whole basket, have you tried a nice cheddar yellow, just to add a bit of a 'zinger'

    1. Hi, Linda. I began with a great yellow for the centers (going for the zinger effect - a bright pop of color) but I had just two small pieces and couldn't find any other yellow in my stash that worked. It's frustrating when that happens. That's why I moved on to several other colors. I think the black check behind a color is a good balance between a light center or a dark center, though maybe a brown and tan check would be even better. (Neither only light nor only dark will work for all the flowers because one or the other doesn't show up on several of the flowers.) Obviously, these centers aren't sewn down yet, which means I'm still looking and considering. I was hoping I wouldn't have to show the center block and first border before the flower centers were done, but....

      Thanks for taking the time to visit and leave a comment. I appreciate it.

  6. Black check is good, but was wondering if you've tried brown check. I think the check adds pizzazz.

    1. We are thinking alike, Gypsy Quilter. I know a brown check would look better than black with any other color I choose for the center circles, but I haven't been able to find one and don't have one in my stash. I think the flowers are calling for brown behind the colored centers. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

  7. Your flowers are just so pretty; I love them!!

  8. I love seeing the progress with people doing this project. I wanted to, but I was wise enough to know that right now, there's too much else going on! I may yet do it sometime, though. Your choice looks good on the computer. I like the black check under it.

    1. Hi, Susan. It's such a delicate balance (at least for me) to decide whether I can fit in a new start (or put on hold anything else I'm working on) to participate in an online challenge like this. I hope I can keep up with it through the finish. For me part of the challenge will be that each subsequent border will get larger, which means more time and more blocks (or whatever) to make.

      The colors look good in person, too, but the dot in the center is just so mild-looking. More playing to do, I guess.

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

  9. Sometimes we can just drive ourselves crazy looking for that perfect fabric! And it's a real bummer when we find what we like and don't have enough too :*(. I have this thing where my mind just won't accept that the perfect fabric isn't hiding from me somewhere. I'll check the stash over and over because I'm convinced it's THERE!

    1. You are so right, Teresa. I do the same thing. Unfortunately, I sometimes overlook the very fabric I'm looking for, which might be why I check and recheck. This time, though, I know there is no more of that yellow. Crazy!

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. It encourages me to just let it go.

  10. Wow, I love the creativity in your star and center flower designs! They are such a fun addition to any project. speedy cash coupons


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