Sunday, June 19, 2016

Stitching Oh-So-Slowly Today

I have just this strip of blue sashing to hand quilt and this quilt will be finished.

I'm normally thrilled to finish a quilt but this one, not so much.  That's because I don't have other handwork ready to begin.  No quilt layered and basted, no applique to stitch, nothing. 

Sometimes when quilting is my handwork and I'm also working on sewing quilt blocks and I'm also thinking about some process on a third quilt I forget to plan ahead to have handwork ready.  Tomorrow I'll give more thought to which quilt to layer next and/or choose a hand applique project.  (I like having small handwork to take in the car.)

Are you doing some slow stitching today?  If so, I hope you find it restful, relaxing, and rejuvenating.

I'm linking this post to Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts.  Click the link to see the slow stitching others are doing today.

I hope you have a pleasant and restful Sabbath.  (And Happy Birthday to my daughter!)



  1. Oh, you put me to shame. Congrats on a finish, and you can come quilt on my quilt that I have sadly neglected of late. : )
    I keep 2 or 3 small hand stitching projects in plastic containers for easy "grab and go" when I will be traveling. But sometimes I take one along and never touch it.

    1. But when you think about it, Janet, look at all the many quilts you make while I'm working on one single quilt. And believe me, you wouldn't want me to put stitches in your quilt. My quilting is just barely above the beginner level.

      I usually have hand work ready to go, too, but somehow got behind. I want to decide soon what to work on next. A number of years ago our R.S. had a Humanitarian Services project and among the things we did was knit and crochet leper's bandages. I just found some that I didn't turn in and I still have two large balls of crochet cotton to make more. Until I get something other handwork ready I may just begin another of those bandages. The church isn't collecting them now but there is another organization that does.

  2. This is a lovely well made quilt. I am both happy and sad when I finish a project-looking backwards and forwards. You are rightly proud!

  3. Congratulations on your wonderful finish!

    1. Thanks, Susan.

      Do you have a blog. If so, I can't reach it through your blogger profile. I'd like to visit it if you do.

  4. Hi Nancy, just got caught up on your posts...lovely reading for me this morning. What a sweet little dress you made! I am so impressed. Sewing real clothes is a topic I am exploring.
    I'm sure it won't be too long before you have some more hand sewing in your hoop.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. Sewing clothes is not my favorite sewing but at least it doesn't usually take very long to sew up a little dress.

      Yes, I have to get busy if I want to get some hand-stitching or -quilting together.

  5. Thanks, Donna. I'm still deciding what quilt to layer and begin next. For any of them I will have to piece a back or buy backing fabric. Maybe until I get that done I will make binding for this quilt and finish it.


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