Thursday, April 6, 2017

Back to Scrap Squares

I'm really making an effort to finish some in-progress quilts this year.  I pulled out these blocks thinking I was good to go with laying out, arranging, and putting them together.

These are 4" square, the cut-out centers from behind a different applique quilt.

Each square is sewn with three others squares into a block like the ones below.  These blocks will finish at 7¾".  It's an odd size, I know, but it's the largest block I could get from the cutouts.

Of course there weren't enough of the cut-out centers for a quilt of any size, so I pulled together a basket of smallish neutral scraps and sewed and sewed and sewed.  I thought I had a good stack.  Without counting, I laid all the blocks out on the floor.  Too few, too small.  So I sewed more scraps into 4" squares.

And then the blocks looked like this.  My husband commented that he really likes it because it looks so calm and soothing.  I was just a little surprised that it looks so bland.  It looked a little stronger when I had a few blocks on the wall.

Anyway, I have more blocks to stitch together but I don't have many more neutral scraps to sew into 4" squares.  So the decision becomes whether to use all the blocks I have and can make from the rest of the 4" squares and let it be a small quilt or wait till I accumulate more neutral scraps and make more squares.

This is truly a decide-as-you-go kind of quilt.  Will it get sashing?  Will it get one or more borders?  Or maybe some applique?  Perhaps some would call it improv piecing?  I don't know what this quilt will look like when it's finished but I'm trusting some good ideas will come my way.

I'm linking this post to
> Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation
> Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework
> Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times
> Moving it Forward Monday at Em's Scrapbag
> Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
> sew stich snap SHARE at Koka Quilts 



  1. Well, whatever else it gets, I love it so far!!

    1. Thanks, Wendy. I hope whatever I do next keeps it "loveable!"

  2. It is calm and soothing with the pops of pink to give the eye somewhere to rest. What a great quilt to cuddle up with for a peaceful evening! Looking forward to seeing what you decide as you progress!

    1. Thanks, Mia. This will probably be one that doesn't get finished too soon since I need to make so many more blocks and, before I do, gather more light fabric scraps. Maybe by the end of this year....

  3. I just really like this quilt! A neutral quilt is on my radar!!

    1. Thanks, Julie. I like it better in person than I do in the photos, though. Even though they are all neutral fabrics, I think they look richer in person.

      I'll look forward to your neutral quilt. I always admire you use light backgrounds in your quilts.

  4. Oh, keep going! It's a gorgeous top, and I agree with your husband. It isn't at all bland, and the pink scraps are just perfect. Don't stop now!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Susan. If there were a quick and easy way to get more neutral scraps, short of cutting into non-scrap neutrals, I would make faster progress.

  5. It looks so peaceful. It's beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Robin. It does seem to have a calm appearance in person, too. I commented to my husband that it gives me the impression of either broken glass or rain on a window with a bit of light behind.

  6. Great way to use up those scraps--and it's so pretty!!

    1. Thank you, Karen. By the time this quilt is finished I think I may have used more thread than fabric: the pieces of fabric are so small.

  7. Your use of these squares cut from another project is really a good use of all those neutrals. It will be interesting to see it grow. Ku

    1. Thank you. I think so, too, Paula. Sometimes I find myself wondering what a finished quilt will looks like -- they sometimes seem to take on a life of their own.

  8. I think it is a great use of neutral scraps. Very vintage feeling. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    1. Sewing such small scraps together is time-consuming but I like the look of this quilt so far. Thanks for hosting Oh Scrap!, Cynthia.

  9. I'd make it from what you have done. If I were to put it away to add to later, it would have a strong chance of never getting finished...but that's just me. :)

    1. The quilts that I don't make progress on are the ones that I'm really uncertain about -- the color, the pattern, the layout, etc. I'm not so uncertain about this one, but I'm running out of neutral scraps and it's too small as it is -- baby quilt size right now. Some of the scraps are really small (1" x 1 1/2") and even though scraps usually seem to multiply on their own, my neutrals aren't keeping up with my need just now. And I'm not sure how long I can leave this on the floor. I dug around in a box of scraps today and went through my fabrics looking for more small scraps. I have enough for a few more blocks, but maybe not enough to finish before I need to get this off the floor. But you're right: better to finish it while it's out than risk putting it away and not finishing it.

  10. Totally love this! Not sure that I would put a sashing on it but I know that you will do wonderful things. Now I'm thinking that I need to start digging through my neutrals.

    1. Thank you, Marie! I'm not sure about sashing, either. Part of me pulls for more interest (sashing, applique, something), part of me says go for calm and gentle. I need to make more blocks and go from there. I'll look forward to your neutral quilt. I'm sure there must be a million variations!

  11. I'm with your hubby, I like how calm it is.

  12. Beautiful so far. I say Let the Scraps decide! It is lovely for a baby quilt. Go with that. And add a soft pink border if you have one in your stash. If not, then don't! You goal is to finish! You are almost there. 🤗

    1. Wise suggestion, Linda. I'm still deciding as I finish using up the light scraps I have. Thank you!

  13. It is always funny when one's husband comments on a project. Mine never says mine look calm. Thanks for joining Sew, Stitch, Snap, Share this round.

    1. Hi, Julie. This is the first of my quilts that my husband has called calm but then most of my other quilts are not as bouncy/bright as many of the modern quilts I see. Thanks for hosting Sew, Stitch, Snap, and Share.

  14. What a lovely quilt. We need calm ones like this. Have you considered adding an applique border or even a border of "calm" words? Like Audrey (she also linked.) Might be a way to make it larger and change the rhythm.
    Whatever you choose will be beautiful.

    1. Hi, Ann. Thank you. Yes, I have thought about applique and am still playing with possibilities. I don't think I could make a quilt or even a border like Audrey's -- only she can do that, her style is so individual!

  15. It's lovely! I find those colours gentle and restful, not dull at all. I hope you find a way to finish it now; it would be such a shame for it to go back into a box.

    1. Thank you, Kaja. This quilt is still in progress but comes closer to a finish every day. I'm determined not to put it back in a box even if I have to use non-scrap fabric!

  16. Oh I like this so much! The colors don't look bland at all, but so soft and cozy. It reminds me of a scrappy quilt I finished off last year. I ended up putting little sparky triangles between the blocks and I've never regretted it. It's one I love so much, it still hasn't been given away.:)

    1. Thank you, Audrey. I'm imagining it as cozy and comfortable, too, maybe with wool or silk batting. (Maybe.) Yes, I remember your blocks with the half-triangle squares (or so they looked in the photos) and like it a lot. There are so many ways to make a one-color-range scrappy block one's own.


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