Monday, April 3, 2017

Quilt Patterns in Printed Fabric

I see quilt patterns in so many places.  These bits of fabric reminded me of quilt patterns, too.  Some of these pieces are really small.  For instance, this first one is about 1½" square.  The others are a little larger.

Do you see quilt patterns in your fabric?



  1. I don't know if I have thought about it before, but you have some nice ones there.

    1. Hi, Janet. It's not something I think about much but sometimes those patterns just pop out at me. Sadly, they rarely are patterns I'd turn into quilt blocks or a quilt, though.

  2. I see them everywhere. Just this week I thought Daughter's curtains had a great pattern for quilting. Love your baskets and how they are coming along. Applique does create lots and lots of little bits.

    1. Sometimes those patterns pop out at me, others time much less so. As I told Janet, above, rarely do the patterns inspire me to make a quilt from them, but I enjoy seeing them anyway.


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