Friday, June 23, 2017

Baskets of Plenty Block 5 Finished

Baskets of Plenty Block 5

This is my small finish:  Basket Block 5 of Cheri Payne's Baskets of Plenty sew-along.  It's relatively small in size at it's 10½" x 13½" but not small in time.  It may eventually get further embellishment but it's finished for now. 

It has been the hardest block for me so far.  The large flower shape with "fingers" is a challenge for my limited turned-edge cotton applique skills.  And choosing colors was hard.  Comparing my original idea for flower color and the one I've used, I think I like the original idea better, though I do like these two blues.  But I see that the first color will be great for the next basket.  

I tend to be a realist.  My mind wants to know what kind of flower that is so I can choose colors the flower would be in real life (but I couldn't figure out what flower this might be).  If there are four flowers, I imagine they should all be blooming at the same time or at least be available for sale at a store at the same time.  Silly, I know, because it limits artistic license.  These primitive blocks help me work my way past those ideas/limitations.

Cheri suggests we use the patterns in whatever way we imagine and to use whichever pieces we choose and leave out the rest.  This leads to a huge variety of arrangements, flowers, colors, etc., amongst the participants, which is always so fun to see.  Cheri posted her finished basket on facebook a week or two ago.  My block is not like hers but I may add to my block based on her use of some of the shapes.

In fact, as I look at the baskets I've made so far I'm beginning to see where an embellishment could be added to this basket or that block.  My blocks are simple and I think they could be more interesting with some additions.  This has been a fun sew-along.

On to basket #6.

I'm linking this post to
> Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts
> finish it up Friday at crazy mom quilts
> Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Thank you for hosting, ladies.



  1. I like this, very much. Great colors.

  2. It is a very clever idea for a SAL. I enjoy seeing participants post their blocks and observing the different ways they get interpreted.
    I really like the blue flowers. You could pretend they are bachelor buttons, just a shade more in the marine blue family. : )

    1. I agree, Janet. I haven't seen any blocks that look the same or even similar. Many of the same elements but placement and colors are very different.

      Blue is not one of my favorite colors but there are several shades of blue that I like. I never know what to call it -- marine, cadet,.... I suppose they could be bachelor buttons.

  3. I think you did very well! I have not found time to go back to working on my block. I want to add in a stem and remove the flower that I experimented with and do it in a different way.

    1. Thank you, Karen. My basket 6 looks similar to me to basket 2. The flowers are different shapes but the placement is similar. I'll have to pay attention to that the next time Cheri gives us large flowers.

      Since you made the block and didn't like the flowers, are the changes you might make in the back of your mind as you do other things? Sometimes I do that and eventually I find a solution I like.

      I'm looking forward to seeing your block when you finish and post it.

  4. Great job! This is another sweet pattern. Love baskets! It's going to be wonderful. :D

    1. Thanks, Monica. I am beginning to wonder how the whole quilt will resolve itself, especially since I didn't begin with any particular palette. It's been fun.

  5. Oh how I love to see each of your blocks...gorgeous, each one!

  6. Your block looks great--love it! I have been collecting the patterns but haven't had a chance to get started yet. It's lots of fun watching everyone's baskets growing on FB!

    1. Thank you, Karen. Oh, yes, I agree -- it has been fun to see the variety of blocks -- colors, arrangements, which pieces people use or choose not to use. When/if you make the baskets, will you post them on Cheri's facebook page?

  7. You are doing great with these, Nancy. I think I would struggle too with the same issues...what colour SHOULD this kind of flower be. Liberating your mind to use whatever would be a challenge. I probably could be taking part in this project just to help undo some of those feelings of shoulds.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. Often Cheri's flowers don't look like particular flowers so I guess that helps a little. I've also noticed that in block 2, some people turned the flowers one way and they became sunflowers, others turned them another way and they were some other kind of flower. It's been fun.

  8. I'm so impressed! How on earth do you turn under the petals of those flowers? Your finished block is wonderful. I love your plaid basket.

    1. Thank you, Karin. You are generous with your kind words. The sides of the petals were much easier than those inside curves. I resorted to a little washable glue to hold the turned under part in place.


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