Monday, August 28, 2017

Fitting In

These are the seven baskets I've made for the Baskets of Plenty quilt-along, created by Cheri Payne for her Facebook group, Quilts by Cheri ~ Friendship Group.

They're taped to the wall above my computer in the room where I sew.  I enjoy looking at them when I walk into the room but seeing this photo of them makes me realize how busy they are.  I hope a wide sashing will give each its own space and a chance to shine.  (Though, some of them look "shinier" to me than others.  I have a few favorites.)

The order I made them
-- top row, l. to r.:  Basket 5, Basket 4, Basket 6
-- bottom, l. to r.:  Basket 1, Basket 2, Basket 3, Basket 7

Now I need to decide on the fabrics for the final basket.  This basket will be about half-size of the others, measuring 7½" x 10½"  Just a tiny one, but with one huge flower and some smaller ones, depending on what I decide.

I've chosen the background fabric but not the other fabrics.  Choosing fabric for the basket is next.  I'm leaning toward the one on the left because the colors are ones from all the other blocks.  But it's not a "primitive" print and maybe it's just a little too busy.  I don't want a fabric that stands out and distinguishes itself as too different.  The fabric needs to fit in with the other baskets.

I'm thinking about an orange flower.  But then again, maybe not.

I love to see other bloggers' photos of their finishes but I also appreciate seeing how others make decisions about choosing fabric, layout, sashing, etc.

Do any of use use feedly for your blog reader?  I like it a lot for the non-quilting, family history blogs I read, and it's great for the quilting blogs I follow, too.  But today, when I went to the site, all of my feeds were gone.  Not a single blog in the list.  Ugh!  I hope it's just today, just a little glitch, and everything will be back to  normal tomorrow.  Because if it's not, I don't know how I'll ever find all of your blogs again -- maybe as many as a hundred.  If you use feedly, has your blog roll been effected? 

My prayers go out to the people of Texas who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey.  So much devastation and such an interruption to their lives.

I'm linking this post to
> Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework
> Moving It Forward Monday at Em's Scrapbag
> Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
> Main Crush Monday at Cooking Up Quilts
> Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. Love your basket blocks. They make me want to start appliqué again. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. I can't remember that you've posted applique blocks on your blog but I'm sure they are wonderful!

      Thanks for hosting Oh Scrap!

  2. The basket blocks look good together. I think sashing will give you the space between blocks you want.
    I don't use feedly, so I have no experience with what has happened to your blog list. Hope it corrects itself tomorrow!

    1. I think sashing will help, too, Janet. I'm curious to see whether Cheri will suggest finishes for the quilt or whether she'll leave us on our own to decide.

      Feedly did not correct itself today but I think I can only follow 100 blogs before I have to pay to use it, but I'm not sure. Do you use bloglovin' or some other feed reader?

  3. I love your basket blocks, and look forward to seeing how you set them. I've enjoyed everyone's progress on Cheri's facebook page. I love applique, as long as somebody else is doing it LOL!

    That thing that happened with Feedly? Don't panic yet, the same thing happened with Blogger late one night last week. But by the next morning it was fixed.

    1. Thank you, Sandy. It's been so fun to see how others interpret the patterns Cheri's provided for this quilt along. So much variety and creativity. When I first started applique I wasn't sure I'd like it but it's been good. I really like that I can take it along in the car or anywhere I know I'll have to wait for a few minutes or longer.

      My feedly didn't correct itself today. I followed many, many blogs (for family history, quilting, and some other interests) and I think maybe they've changed so that with a free account I can only follow 100 blogs. I can still hope that it will be back to normal tomorrow, though. It will take a lot of time to add back all that was lost.

  4. I know you say that the basket blocks look busy placed all together side by side but I think they look very good. Most of Cheri's designs have a busy look. Just her style.

    1. Thank you, Karen. Those are encouraging words to read. I like Cheri's style but I guess it's some of her older, simpler blocks that I think about when I think of her style. Of course, every artist's style changes and evolves over time. I'm curious to learn whether Cheri will give suggestions about block arrangement, borders, sashing, etc., or let us go it alone.

  5. Nancy tus bloques juntos se ven muy bonitos¡¡me gustan!!
    deseo ver que decides para el ultimo.
    Espero con ganas lo que propone Cheri para el final

    1. Thank you, Belarmina. That last one is still in the decision-making stage -- fabrics included. I hope to work on it tomorrow. I'm looking forward to Cheri's suggestions for the finish, too. It won't be long....

  6. I love seeing all your baskets together--I don't think they look busy at all! They just look abundant and cheerful like a flower garden.

    1. Thank you, Karen. Well, yes, maybe abundant is a good word to describe them. I can hardly wait to see what Cheri proposes for sashing and borders, even though I still have one more basket to finish!

  7. The basket blocks are so cute all together. What a fun SAL. Hope things get back to normal soon. I just use Blogger - not the most dependable sometimes but it's free

    1. Thanks, Robin. It has been a fun seq-along. I hope things get back to normal soon, too! I actually had forgotten that blogger does something like a reader for the blogger blogs one follows. I don't think they show non-blogger blogs in the list, though. It will all work out one way or the other.

  8. Nancy,
    I found you in Humble Quilts FB group. Your basquets are beautiful and now I'm going to enjoy your blog!!

  9. I'm liking what I see here. And whats with liking seed pods. I make time to pick seeds, but the pods? As in for dried arrangements??

    1. Thanks, Gayle. I do like seed pods quilt a lot and actually have a small collection but I hadn't thought of them in terms of appliqued flowers on quilt blocks. I'll have to give that some thought.

  10. I enjoy reading about your progress on each of these pretty blocks and seeing them together, they are even more lovely. I don't see them as busy at all. I think sashing will make each stand out, yet bring them together at the same time. Just as you admire each flower in a garden and then stand back and take in the beauty of the entire garden and it leaves you breathless. This quilt will have the same effect.

    1. Thank you, Karin. I think you are right that the sashing will give each block a separate space of its own. There is one more block to make with just a branch, leaves, and a bird, so it won't be long till I can lay out the blocks and decide on sashing.

  11. Loving your appliqué blocks. Makes me want to appliqué too.
    Do you have to belong to a Facebook group to do it? I don't do FB.
    What about piecing the sashing? Too busy?

    1. Thank you, Pieceful. The patterns for these appliques are on Facebook but the creator of these patterns, Cheri Payne, has a blog where she's posted many patterns. It seems she doesn't blog much these days but the patterns are still there. I think her blog is Quilts by Cheri.

      I think a pieced sashing might work but I think I would have to be careful in the fabrics I chose if I do it that way. I still have one more block to applique and then I'll start playing with arrangement and sashing.


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.