Monday, September 11, 2017

A Crooked Little Finish

Another little basket block is finished.  I like it, even as crooked and out of proportion as it is.  And are those primitive flowers or just odd ones, do you think?   

What I keep learning again and again is that a photograph is more perceptive than my eyes when looking at the real thing are.  Now I see everything I didn't see when I was laying out pieces and stitching them to create this block, and even after the block was stitched.  Maybe photographs are just more objective?

Thank goodness I left a little extra around the edge for trimming.  I have about half an inch in which to tip the basket and flower a little to the left.  This block will measure 7½" x 10½" when cut.

Asymmetrical baskets are a little challenging for me because I'm never certain how to place them on the block.  Sometimes they're fine, other times, like this one, they seem to tip too far in one direction or the other.

This is the final basket block in Cheri Payne's Baskets of Plenty quilt along in her Facebook group.  There is one more block in the quilt-along, however it has a branch and bird plus the quilt's name.

Cheri used a simple 2" scrappy sashing between the baskets in mostly light and medium fabrics.  So there's one more aspect of play before finishing these baskets into a quilt top.  I want a quilt large enough to use so I may add an extra border or two, or I may make a few more basket blocks.

I'm linking this post to
> Moving It Forward Monday at Em's Scrapbag
> Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
> Main Crush Monday #88 at Cooking up Quilts
> finish it up Friday at crazy mom quilts
> Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
> Finished or Not Friday Busy Hands Quilts
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. I love the out of proportion flowers. Very prim.

    1. I love them, too, Karen, and these are crazy out of proportion -- thanks to Cheri's delightful patterns!

  2. Your Baskets of Plenty have turned out so wonderful, Nancy. I've enjoyed following your decision making process. Prim is new to me too so it has been interesting. Are you taking part in the spooky sew along Cheri has now. I have decided to join in after reading all your posts about her patterns.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I'm not doing the Spooky sew-along -- I pretty much ignore Halloween. But there are two blocks of the four that I might do, the one with flowers and the one with the pumpkin. But we'll see if I can fit them in.

  3. Nancy me encanta tu bloque.
    Tu edredón sera magnifico

  4. That center flower is dazzling. I love the orange grid fabric. Is the center of that flower appliqué or fussy cutting? It's fun to see your blocks all together from your last pst. I look forward to seeing how you finish it off.

    1. Thank you, Robin. I like the orange fabric, too. It's a color I haven't been able to find in a print -- and wish I could. The center of the big flower is both fussy cut and applique. The brown in the very center is cut from brown fabric. The little "points" around it is cut from a piece of fabric printed with concentric, decorative half circles on it. What you see is one of the outer half-circles. It was brown and white but the white was too stark so I used fabric crayons to mute the white.

      For the finish Cheri used 2" strips for sashing. If I do that, the quilt will be so small -- just about 38" x 47" -- just right for a baby quilt, except it doesn't look like a baby quilt to me. So I'm considering options for making it larger. There's still one more block to applique and I have to decide if I want to go with Cheri's pattern of a bird on a branch or make another basket.

      Hmmm. We'll see.

  5. I like this one, I think it's one of my favorites from this collection.

    1. Thank you, Brenna. I like it, too. It makes me laugh.

  6. I think it looks great, and primitive sounds like a great description.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I'm still trying to decide whether primitive is a result of the pattern or the fabric or both. I'm glad this looks primitive to you.

  7. I think your basket is placed just fine...and maybe the flower is like a cockscomb?! At any rate, it looks wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Sarah. You're generous with your compliments and I appreciate it.


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