Sunday, January 21, 2018


After working on the tan quilt with blue stars -- wonderfully calm and serene, possibly even dull -- I'm ready for sewing with brights again. 

I cut out several small hearts and chose light backgrounds.  I'll stitch one or more of these today if I can manage time to stitch.

Light and bright inside is just what I need with today's greyest of days.  (Of course, these photos were taken with a flash.  What can you do when the midday light outside looks like dusk?)

Kathy asked us to post a photo of our hoop -- whatever kind we use.  This is my 14" wooden hoop, the only one I've ever used for quilting.  It's so comfortable and it's edges worn smooth.  When I broke it a few years ago I could bear the thought of breaking a new one so I fixed it.  Drill, string, a piece of another hoop, some adhesive tape, and it's as good as new (and probably stronger, too).

Happy Sabbath to you.

I'm linking this post to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Kathy.



  1. I have also repaired tools I love. Happy Sabbath to you.

    1. It's hard to just give them up when we love them so, isn't it, Suzanne? Thank you.

  2. Good job fixing a loved and well used hoop. Your hearts are pretty.

    1. Thanks so much, Deb. I remember posting about the hoop's repair and some readers were surprised I would take the time, but I'm glad I did. It's like a trusty friend.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Gypsy. I thought I knew what I was doing with them but now that 10 are stitched, they look so plain. I'll trim them and then play a bit.

  4. And what are you creating with your pretty heart blocks?

    1. I am anticipating making a small quilt, Janet. Now that I have 10 of them stitched I think they look so plain. We'll see....

  5. I enjoyed your size vs symmetry discussion because (of course!) I've had that problem even in my small time as a quilter (wanna be). Heart blocks are enjoyable, aren't they? Something happy about them and their colours, esp. during these rather drab days lately.

    1. It was a good discussion about size/symmetry, wasn't it, Jocelyn. I always enjoy reading other people's views on a topic. I started the hearts because I needed something bright after those blue stars and neutral backgrounds. I was glad to see the sun today after a long string of grey days.

  6. Like your funstars. Look forward to seeing what you do with them.

    1. Thank you, Jennie. (I'm thinking you meant fun hearts?) I'm looking forward to what they might become, too. I thought I had a clear vision but now that 10 are stitched, I'm not so sure. We'll see....


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