Saturday, March 3, 2018

Hand Quilting Utility Stars

From the end of January till now I've quilted 24 of this quilt's 56 squared and 2 of its 24 stars.  I admire the speed at which machine quilters can finish quilts but I prefer the look of hand quilted quilts so I continue along at my snail's pace.  Part of the slowness comes from how hard hand quilting is on my fingers:  they can only quilt for so long. 

I really thought I might be able finish this quilt in March but then I remembered that the outside edge of a quilt, whether blocks or border, is nearly always bigger than the center of the quilt and will take longer.  Sigh. 

You can see we have a sunny day today:  the shine through the window highlights one small square of this quilt.  Yeah for a sunny day!  Fun photo, huh?

I wish my goal for March were to finish this quilt but it isn't.  Instead, my goal is to finish hand quilting at least 12 stars and at least 12 squares.  I'd be satisfied with a double dozen.

I'm linking this post to
> One Monthly Goal - March Goal Setting Link-up at Elm Street Quilts
> Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. Hand quilter really is so pretty!! Love your sunshine shot!

    1. Thank you, Julie. I was doing to delete the sunshine shots from my camera right away but then decided to upload them and look more closely. They're not great photos but at least their a little interesting and unusual. I like how hand quilting seems to gently meld into and become part of a quilt.

  2. That is a cool photo. I applaud what you have accomplished. Looks great!

  3. Very cool photo! Enjoy your hand quilting.. great texture!

    1. Thank you, Kathy! I thought about linking this post to your Slow Sunday Stitching last week but didn't get to it. Maybe this week.

  4. It's beautiful! The texture of the hand quilting adds so much, just lovely. You are NOT slow either.


    1. Thank you, Lizzie. I deliberated about how to quilt those large squares. It seemed like the perfect spot for something more than just lines but I couldn't imagine anything else that would have worked as well with the stars. So straight lines it is.

  5. I make the mistake all the time of thinking I am nearer the end of a quilt than is really the case. :-) This is beautiful though, and worth the time.

    1. Thank you, Kaja. It's so easy to imagine we're almost finished, isn't it?

  6. Your quilting is lovely...and great progress!!

    1. Thank you, Jennie. I think the quilting looks better from a distance. Ha ha. I can't yet manage small stitches but they are becoming more even.

  7. You've made some beautiful progress and it's definitely worth the effort. I hope you can make your goal!

    1. Thank you, Karen. I always try to set my OMG goals just high enough to push myself a little without making myself go crazy trying to reach them. It's so easy for me to just leisurely amble along, in which case things take much longer to become completed quilt.

  8. The texture and patterns your hand quilting is creating is well worth time and effort - it looks beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Allison. I hope it looks great after binding, washing, and drying.

  9. This quilt deserves hand quilting. It is stunning!

    1. Thank you, Wendy. Those are very kind words for a quilt I think of as understated, almost boring. I hope the quilting and wash/dry will liven it up just a bit.

  10. The quilting is beautiful. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project!

    1. Thank you, Patty. And thank you for hosting One Monthly Goal.

  11. I hand quilt because I like it so much better than machine quilting too. My current hand quilting project has stalled. I put it on the frames in December and I'm only 1/2 way through. I can't make myself go down in the cold basement. I want sunshine. I've got to stop getting involved with new projects (Sweet Land of Liberty is using up my time) and take care of the ones I'm already working on. But, when something is taking so long. . . It's human nature to want to refresh with something new. Your quilting is lovely BTW. It's going to be so beautiful. (I can only quilt about 2 hrs. at a sitting before my fingers start to complain.)

    1. Oh, Robin, it would be really hard for me to try to quilt in a cold basement, too. I need both the heat and the natural light (and sunshine if there is any). I can see that Sweet Land of Liberty is time-consuming, especially at the pace Lori's set for each month. Lots and lots of applique, sometimes intricate, like the letters. But such a satisfying quilt to finish! I think it's easy to get stalled on a quilt, whether it's a cold basement or just being tired of working on it for too long with it being finished. And a new start is a great energizer. I'm sure you'll get both the quilt on the frame and Sweet Land of Liberty finished in due time. Thanks for your kind words about my quilt. Yes, about 2 hours at a time is my limit, not because my fingers get tired but because my fingertips become tender. I'm still building up callouses again. I really must get a quilt ready to start hand quilting immediately after this one is finished.

  12. Dare I say, I think your Bow Ties are worth the effort/aggrievation...they are adorable. Your quilting looks wonderful Nancy. It really is relaxing and enjoyable isn't it, anything I can hold in my lap to sew I like.

    1. Oh, yes, Jocelyn, you can say that about the Bow Ties (but I think you mean spools). I agree they are adorable and will probably make a cute little quilt. At 3", I would have to make a gazillion to make a large quilt!

      Thank you for your kind words about my quilting. It is relaxing to hand quilt, or applique, either one. I know you embroider a lot and I'm sure that's satisfying, too. I don't think I've embroidered since I was a child. Maybe it's like riding a bike and one doesn't forget how to do it?

  13. Hand quilting is my love too. It does take longer but setting smaller goals works well. Your quilt looks beautiful and the simple design really lets the quilting shine!

    1. Thank you, Deanna. Hand quilting is such a peaceful kind of stitching, the perfect thing when I have a few minutes to sit. (I have a hard time sitting and doing nothing.)

  14. LOVE this! I have some old men's shirts that would be perfect for this. Enjoy the sunshine.

    1. Thank you, Marie. Yes, men's shirts would be perfect for a quilt like this.

      The sunshine was wonderful.

  15. Love your hand quilted blocks, the stars are beautiful. I love hand quilting myself and it is always worth the time.


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