Thursday, March 1, 2018

Like a Wet Lion

March came in like a wet lion today.  No ferocious cold, just damp, grey skies and rain.  Plenty of rain.  Last week when we had temperatures in the 70s I was sure the groundhog was wrong and that March would arrive like a lamb.

I've been working on two dark quilts, the rubies/strawberries/cherries on brown and the blue and tan/grey utility stars.  With so much grey and darkness surrounding me both outside and in, I felt the need for color.  Bright, happy colors.  So I pulled out these little spool blocks. 

spool quilt blocks

And played just a little.

spool quilt blocks

Six more are in progress and then I'll have 36 little spools.  They finish at 3" and they're really cute but they haven't been much fun to make.  This is my least favorite block pattern ever.  They are a bear to sew!  The diagonals are the problem and every block is at least a little cattywumpus, even when I draw or press the diagonals and pin before sewing.  Despite the difficulty in making them, they were a sweet, colorful diversion during today's grey rain.  I'll make enough more to make a small quilt, but that's it.

Here's the wet March lion I saw outside today.  I really do love rainy days, but I would have been happier had this been snow.  (Grumble, grumble, grumble.)  Sun is predicted for the next several days but I see a chance of snow, too.  I will welcome either one.

I'm linking this post to
> Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts and
> Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. Sometimes you just need a riot of color, right? Very happy spools!
    Our "lion" comes in Friday and lasts about 3 days, or so they are saying. But we need the moisture here, so I am grateful for every stormy day--especially if I can stay home and sew. :)

    1. Hi, Janet --
      Yes, just a little color. Though I really want more snow I suppose I'm subconsciously ready for spring and its bright colors.
      How was your Friday lion? I haven't heard about Utah's weather (though we do get reports of the Nor'easters in the states east of us. Yes, the western states nearly always need the moisture, I think. Some springs and summers I wish I could send our rain your way!

  2. I am sitting here with a quilt book in front of me. The pattern on the cover has some spool blocks as part of the design. Yours are happy colors.

    1. Hi, Karen --
      As I was looking at these spools wondering what to do with them it occurred to me that they could be a border for a small quilt or a small medallion. Or maybe they could be the center for some border. What book were you looking at? Maybe I can find it and see the design.

  3. Indeed! Sometimes we just need a little happy color to change our mood. I love these!

    1. Thanks, Wendy. They're such an odd assortment of fabrics, from plaids to stripes to modern to 1980s and 1990s.... No rhyme nor reason to any of them. Perfect for a scrap quilt, I guess.

  4. Bright colors really do help on gray days! Your spools are a perfect antidote to gloom!

    1. Yes, they did help, Gayle. I played but didn't make any decision about them. They're such a wide assortment of fabrics (plaids, 1980s, 1990s, stripes, modern....) and colors. It will be interesting to see what they become.


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