Thursday, December 6, 2018

Miniature Books - Really Random Thursday Post

For years I've been fascinated by little things.  Tiny toys, little books, miniature dolls, wee animal figurines -- if it's tiny, I want to see it and, if possible, hold and examine it.  But this post is about those littlest of books that I've found around the internet and a few that I own.

These are my own little, but not tiny, books.

Closed, they measure 1 12/" x 1 7/8".

I found them at an ocean gift shop about 45 years ago.

A friend's young son adored these books and carried them around whenever he came to visit.
My daughters were much less interested in them, which probably explains why they are still in such good condition.
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I happened upon this blog post at Atlas Obscura and was fascinated by the size of the books there.  At least one is minuscule, smaller than the tip of a finger.  Go see!

How about this tiny Danish-Norwegian-French Dictionary? 
Photo by Tomasz Sienickim, © 2010.  Used with permission, from Wikimedia Creative Commons.
And it's legible, though perhaps only with great eyesight, with the use of a magnifying glass, or in a photo taken with the macro lens of a camera.  Isn't it charming?  It makes me wish I spoke Danish, Norwegian, or French.   From Wikimedia Commons.

And then there is this video of a young man making what may be the world's smallest flip book.  He begins with one that's regular size, then makes one 2" tall, then makes one that's oh-so-tiny.  It's amazing to see him make the tiniest.

And one more really short video of a collection of miniature books presented by British Pathé.

If you're interested in seeing other tiny book treasures click any of the links below.

Do enjoy miniatures, too?



  1. I've always loved little books, but the ones you own are probably the smallest size with which I was familiar. These others are just totally nuts!! Fun post, Nancy.

    1. Thanks, Janet. Other than the challenge and triumph of having done it, I was trying to think of other reasons why people would make such tiny books. Maybe dollhouse props?

  2. I once found a vintage Little Golden Christmas book at a yard sale. Probably measured about 2 inches square. I believe they once were a premium that came with Lifesavers. Last year we made my granddaughter a bed and nightstand for her 18 inch doll and included the book with the accessories.

    1. Oh, Pat, what a treasure a tiny Little Golden Christmas book would be! I can imagine it was the perfect size for her little 18" doll. (Proportionately, it would be like an 8" book for someone who's 5' tall.) I'm sure your granddaughter loved it! Great idea!

  3. I love miniatures and also love books, so this is lots of fun!

    1. I thought it was fun, too, Gayle. Glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Amazing! Yes, I enjoy teeny tiny items, as well. They are delightful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Sue. I'm glad to find someone else who loves tiny things.

  5. What a fun post! I really enjoyed "Jack Spratt's pig"!

    1. Thanks, Brenna. Yes, that is a cute little nursery rhyme. It is one I was not familiar with as a child. I still think of "Jack Spratt could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean...."


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