Saturday, December 8, 2018

The First Half of a Goal

Well, I don't know. . . .

Block H Cacti for Linda Brannock's Flowers Quilt

I have trouble with floating flowers and vases, so for these blocks I've been adding either a different fabric across the bottoms of the blocks or a rectangular piece of fabric under the vases to give them a place to sit.  This is the first time I've tried a half-circle, imagining, maybe, part of a table.  Now I think it just looks strange.  But then these blocks are so unusual, so fanciful, so quirky that maybe that half-circle table cover fits right in.  On the other hand, maybe it should have been a little lighter, brighter, darker....

Then, the fabric for the vase itself has, I think, the perfect colors for this plant and block, but the fabric isn't quite right.  I think maybe a horizontal stripe with the dark blue, the light blue, and red might have worked better.  Unfortunately I didn't have any fabric that I thought looked better than this.

Sometimes I envy painters.  They can mix their colors to perfection and add embellishments to suit the whole painting.  But with fabric we must either have the fabric we want/need/that works, search for and buy the fabric, or make do with the fabric we have.  Yes, of course, we could dye it, but dying is such an uncertain process, one never knows exactly what the results of the dyebath will reveal.

So, this might be another block that will get a slight change.  Or not.  I doubt a quilt judge will ever see this quilt, nor will anyone else see it and evaluate its qualities as a quilt or a work of art.  So I'll leave it as it is for now and see how all the blocks look together when they're finished.

This is the first half of my goal for my One Monthly Goal in December.  On to the stocks.



  1. Nancy, it is great just as it is! To me that is part of the fun of quilting--the "make it work" element challenges our creativity and I think things are more interesting because of the limitations that cause us to think outside the box (or square table). LOL

    1. Thank you, Janet. Well, you're right, of course. It's just that sometimes I can almost see what the fabric should look like -- and I don't have it! But it is fun to work within the limits of what one has.

  2. It looks great to me! I think we are far top often overly critical of our own work...what would you say if you saw this from a friend? And I like this block...every time I see it, I think of it as a dancing cactus! Happy plants!!!

    1. You're right, Katie, at least in my case. I'm generally fairly critical of my quilting efforts. You are the second person to see a dancing cactus in this block. I didn't think of that at first but now it makes me chuckle.

  3. You're on the right track with "I'll leave it as it is for now and see how all the blocks look together when they're finished." That's my approach, too, when I start second-guessing myself into the ground. Deep breath, set it on the stack, and carry on. You're going to be surprised how happy you are with it, once you've got a little distance! 8)

    1. Well, Gayle, I would feel like I were on the right track if I didn't do this with all the quilts/blocks that I call into question. I happen to have a stack of quilt tops, all waiting for some future decision about whether to change them or leave them. Haha. I hope the distance of time from this block lets me just leave it. Thanks for your observations and encouragement.

  4. I wouldn't change a thing--it's quirky and fun and looks great!

    1. Thank you, Karen. You're so kind! Since I've already cut out the back it makes it easier to just leave it. I hope it fits in by the time all the others are finished. I appreciate your encouragement.


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