Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Quilts in Active Progress, Blocks to Finish in April

I often have three quilts on the go at the same time: one for piecing (at home), one to applique (while riding in the car), and a third to hand quilt (while watching TV).  But with sew-along blocks of the month I think I'm up to five quilts in progress.  Here they are.

Little Rubies.  I'm hand quilting this using Baptist Fans and am almost finished with the first row of fans across the bottom.  I hand quilt less than I applique these days.  (No photo but you can see the top here.)

Hospital Sketches.  I'm still working on Block 1 (while most people are already on to Block 3).  I've appliqued the trumpets, the central circle vine, and the large flowers.  I still need to place and applique the 24 leaves.  This is a free block of the month sew-along hosted by Barbara Brackman at Civil War Quilts.  If I want to be in sync with the newly published blocks I'll I'll need to begin the next immediately upon finishing this one.

Sweet Land of Liberty.  There are several blocks and pieces for this month's sew-along that Lori of Humble Quilts is hosting on Cheri's Friendship Group on Facebook.  I'm looking forward to choosing fabrics for a sweet angel, sewing a few stars, and a few flying geese, and maybe some other bits I've forgotten about. 

Cheddarback.  I love this sew-along, offered by Gay Bomers at Sentimental Stitches.  Since I'm trying to reproduce this quilt, it's been fun to try to find fabrics that are similar (in color and/or style) to the original ones used in the quilt.  Mostly, I don't have fabrics like the original quilter's but I can come close with colors.  I already have the fabrics chosen so I can get five blocks sewn this month, right?

And last, Linda Brannock's Flowers.  (This was a sew-along on a Facebook group last year.)

My blocks are finished and this is a collage of the blocks in an approximate arrangement.  Linda Brannock's original uses two sizes of half square triangles (or is it half triangle squares?) as sashing.  The sashing is fun but looks really challenging to me, especially because I want to increase the final dimensions of the quilt.  This seems a good time to work on take on this challenge.  

That should be enough to keep me busy and out of trouble for the month of April, don't you think?

I'm linking this post to
> Wednesday Wait Loss at Inquiring Quilter
> WOW (WIPs on Wednesday) at Esther's Blog
> Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts
> Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. You're definitely going to be able to stay out of trouble with all those great projects--have fun!!!

    1. Thanks, Karen. Out of trouble and no slacking, either!

  2. Wow, you have plenty to keep you busy this month! Love your blocks for Linda Brannock's Flowers. Looking forward to seeing your flimsy.

    1. Thank you, DawnyK. No trouble for me and no extra-curricular activities, either. Nose to the grindstone -- er, to the needles and sewing machine!

  3. Wow--this list would keep me busy most of the year. :)
    I love the shot of your finished blocks at the end. No matter how you set those blocks, it will be a lovely quilt!

    1. Thanks, Janet.
      LOL about the list taking you a most of a year. I suspect you would finish this list in a week, Janet, if only because you're organized and don't waste your time being indecisive!

  4. Good job picking out fabrics for all the blocks for the Cheddarback quilt. I think that's the hardest part. I sewed on the 12 1/2" block today and made all kinds of mistakes both in cutting and sewing. I probably shouldn't have been sewing because my mind was on other things. I agree with Janet that your Linda Brannock quilt will be great however you finish it up. I loved making that angel for the SLOL quilt. There is a lot of movement in her, she's on a mission.

    1. Thank you, Robin. I'm sorry you had trouble with the 12" block. I find I don't do well when I'm thinking about other things. I think I should be able to just cut and just pin and stitch but it often doesn't work well. I cut and sewed the 12' block last night and I also made mistakes with the cutting and sewing (though my mind wasn't on other things!). My block isn't exactly square and I don't know what the problem is. But if I cut off any part of it, I'll also cut off the points, and I'm not going to undo and restitch it. I'm going to try to help it along when I stitch it to the sashing.

      I'm looking forward to the angel block. I have to go back and look at yours to see how you did her. I'm thinking of a night-time sky background and a light angel but I'm not sure. I'll need to look at my darks to see if I have one that will work. I don't have a place to lay out all the parts of SLoL but it would help if I did so I could more easily choose fabrics. My husband is patient enough not to complain about one quilt on our little-used living room floor but I don't think I want to push it to two quilts there. LOL.

  5. Yes, Nancy, your quilting cup is full to the brim with great projects. Love them all and enjoy seeing your progress. I still think about jumping in on one or two of them, but hold myself back. However, I really will do another Cheri project this year, maybe the basket like you did.

    1. I admire your self-control, Jocelyn. I tried to talk myself out of two of these sew-alongs, but failed! I'm looking forward to your Cheri baskets whenever you begin.

  6. I've been diligently saving the patterns for Cheddarback and Hospital Sketches because I love them both, but haven't started either. So I'll be watching yours happily and hope to someday sew along!
    I think your flowers are gorgeous and it's a joy to see them all gathered together. Your quilt will shine, no matter how you sash those blocks!

    1. Oh, Gayle, I would love to see your versions of Cheddarback and Hospital Sketches if/when you do them! I'm envisioning exuberant color!
      Thank you for the comment about Flowers. I hope the sashing do a good job with the flowers and the whole quilt!

  7. Lovely projects, each so different. I really like your approach to sorting fabrics for Cheddarback. You have some lovely plaids/ homespuns! For now I am just printing out the instructions, I fear I have very few ''proper'' fabrics, maybe I ll surprise myself once I get started.



    1. Thanks, Lizzy. Yeh, a variety of quilts. I guess I haven't exactly determined my niche when it comes to quilting. I just think of myself as an eclectic quilter. Haha.

      I've been thinking a lot about Cheddarback. I can't remember the year range Gay thought it was made but I think it might have been mid- to late-1880s or very early 1900s. The quilter obviously used what was on hand for the blocks, considering the variety of kinds of fabrics she used. And here I am, a century later, using the fabrics I have to make a quilt similar to hers. For me, that's the pleasure of this quilt: making a similar quilt with fabrics from my time period. You could join in with that approach in mind.

  8. Ha! Don't know if you'll stay out of trouble, but you'll sure be busy with these beauties! Thanks for sharing your projects on Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. LOL. Oh, yes, I'm staying out of trouble. I've got more to do than I can manage in a month! No time for much of anything else.

      Thanks for hosting Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. Look at all that lovely progress - you go girl!


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