Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Perception of Difficulty / Cheddarback Blocks

These are my July 2019 Cheddarback blocks.  When I decide the order in which to cut and sew the five blocks each month, I begin with the one I think will be the most difficult and end with the one I think will be easiest.  Sometimes I'm very wrong.  This month I should have done Block 22 first!  Here they are in the order I sewed them, not in the order of difficulty.  The Block 21 is a 12" block, the others are 5" blocks.

Block 21
Cheddarback Block 21
The pattern for this block had lots of y-seams and, if I could have managed it, would have been wonderful.  But I knew my skills weren't up to it so I created the block an easier way.  Whenever I see quilts online that I don't immediately see how they're put together, I stop and study to see if I can figure out how they were cut and sewn.  When I saw this block I didn't need to study it much.  It looked like a 9-patch made of two different blocks plus a plain center block. 
Cheddarback Block 21 alternate layout arrangement
Since the measurements were given for the width of the blue striped pieces I was able to easily determine the size to cut them and the triangles.  The corner blocks I cut as 4-patches but substituted rectangles for one side.  I think it turned out reasonably well.  For the corner squares I wish I'd had a slightly lighter blue closer to the fabric in the original quilt.

Block 24
Cheddarback Block 24
I was certain this would be a bear to make with three y-seams and its need for precision.  It was easier than I thought, maybe because the y-seams were a little gentler than some.  I was interested to see that in the original the maker appliqued the windows with a running stitch around the edges instead of the applique stitch we use these days.

Block 22
Cheddarback Block 22
This block looked easier to me than the house but it was the most difficult of the five and I pretty much made a mess of it.  I didn't have a good pink plaid and couldn't find one, so I substituted stripes which was a mistake.  Stripes are hard to sew, especially in such a small block.  The triangles were hard to align and I lost some points and misaligned some points.  Some of the seams on the back are a more-scant-than-I'd-like 1/4".  I thought about taking it apart and redoing it but in the end, I decided to call it good enough.  I don't have much purple amongst my fabrics so many thanks to Janet of Rogue Quilter for the ones in this block.  They came in a batch of scraps she offered in a giveaway a few years ago.  Hurray for people who love and share purple who those of us who like it less!

Block 25
Cheddarback Block 25
The challenge of this block was not in the making of it but in finding and choosing a focus fabric.  The fabric in the original has golden flecks on a dark brown/black background with flowers and leaves outlined in teal.  It's not a style of fabric we see these days and I didn't have anything remotely similar.  This was the closest I found.  The corner squares are appliqued in place.  Don't look too closely or you'll see some misalignment.  I don't like purple but I fell in love with the lavender background fabric when I saw it a few years ago.  It's the first time I've used it.

Block 23
Cheddarback Block 23
I love a simple 9-patch.  For this one we sewed a scant ¼" seam since 5½" doesn't divide evenly by 3.  I was grateful it was the right size the first time.

Here they are arranged as they'll be in the quilt.

As challenging as finding similar fabric to the original is and as hard as some of the blocks are to sew, I am thoroughly enjoying this Cheddarback sew-along.

Finishing these five blocks was my One Monthly Goal for July.  I'm linking to One Monthly Goal - July Finish Link-up at Elm Street Quilts.  Thank you for hosting, Patty.



  1. Great blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

    1. Thank you, Patty, and thanks for hosting the link-up.

  2. Your large block turned out perfect. I thought the house was a little tricky but it turned out so cute in the end. I have some of that purple you used in the center of block 22. I don't like the way mine turned out so I'm considering a re-do. I don't know if I told you but that fabric that I sent you pictures of, has come up MIA. I can't find it anywhere! This is a fun quilt in spite of and because of all it's unexpected construction.

    1. Thank you, Robin. Someone on Facebook comment about how perfect one of my blocks was and I told her it just proves that photographs lie. ;-) I'm please they they turned out as well as they did, though.

      That's crazy the fabric from the photos is missing! I lose things sometimes. Sometimes I find them exactly where they should be and I forgot I put them there. I hope it turns up soon, especially if you were thinking of using it.

      I agree about this quilt being fun. For me, maybe it's because of the challenges -- fabrics, block construction -- that it's fun.

  3. Oooh, you did it! They look great! Another one I haven't started ... maybe when SLOL is finished ... in about two years. LOL

    1. Thank you, Susan. I decided today that SLoL is taking too long. Two years to make one quilt -- I'm losing interest and patience! I'm on the downhill side now so I'll just keep going but in the future I'll more carefully consider how much time I can realistically devote to a sewalong.


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