Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Autumn Color

Other years these would have been early October trees.  This year the leaves turned late, toward the end of the month, and many didn't change at all.  There are still leaves, both green and colored, on some trees but the wind and rains have sent most of them to the ground.  Other years most trees except oaks would have been leafless by the beginning of November.  It's been an unusual fall in this part of Ohio this year.  Even coming late, I'm grateful for autumn's beauty.

I read this poem for the first time last week and love it.  I love this time of year when the nights come early and there's a restfulness and comfort to being inside.

          Welcome, November
            by Elizabeth Coatsworth

          November comes
          And November goes,
          With the last red berries
          And the first white snows.

          With night coming early,
          And dawn coming late,
          And ice in the bucket
          And frost by the gate.

          The fires burn
          And the kettles sing,
          And earth sinks to rest
          Until next spring.

I'm ready to welcome our first snow, predicted for tomorrow!  Happy November to you.



  1. What beauty in those trees. Green leaves are still clinging to the old lilac bush here but that is about it. Any November color now will only be found in the larch trees dotting some of the hillsides nearby.

    1. Hi, Pat.  I just looked up autumn larch trees and they are beautiful!  Surprisingly, about half of the trees around here still have their leaves and most are colored, though beginning to dry out.  And we are having snow this evening!  It's been such a strange fall.

  2. Gorgeous trees! And I do love the words, cadence and flow of that poem.

    1. Hi, Janet.  I'm grateful the trees finally changed color, at least the ones that still had leaves.  Many are still clinging to the limbs.  And we're having snow as I'm typing.  What an autumn.

  3. What beautiful trees! And a great poem! We're expecting snow today too.

    1. Yes, I love those trees, Shasta.  I think you live in central Ohio, too, don't  you?  We did see snowflakes on the 7th and it's snowing as I'm typing this.  They say 1 to 3 inches by morning.  It's been such an unusual autumn.

  4. So glad you got to enjoy some leaf color!

    1. Oh, yes, I was glad to finally see color, Jeanne.  I truly thought the leaves would just drop off when they were still green.  I've never seen such a late autumn color change.  And now, tonight, we're having snow!  Strange weather.


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