Thursday, November 7, 2019

November's One Monthly Goal

It's Cheddarback, the sew-along hosted by Gay Bomers, again this month.  You can see photos of the original blocks here on Sentimental Stitches.  The block patterns are always free the month they're published, or $5.00 after that.

There are five blocks for November: one 12" block, Corn and Beans, I think, using two different pinks, a brown/grey print, and a black stripe; two small patterned blocks suggested by Gay; and two small letters.  Or, of course, we can make no letters and four small patterned blocks using any patterns we choose.

I'll also work on sashing this month.  The original Cheddarback uses a light blue sprig print fabric for the sashing around the outside edge.  I chose a light blue that was as close to the original as I could find.

I thought it would work and I thought I would like it but when it came right down to it, seeing it between those blocks around the edge, I knew I couldn't use it.  I tried several other blues but didn't like any of them.  I started auditioning other colors and think I will use this pink and cream stripe. 

It came from a size small lady's shirt.  There is enough fabric to cut the required 14 sashing pieces which measure 2½" x 12½" but, sadly, I'll have to piece it--and match the stripes--to get them.  The seams won't be obvious but it would have been easier if the lady who donated the shirt to the thrift store had worn a size large or x-large.  But I won't complain.  I'm happy to have this fabric.

So, my One Monthly Goal for November is to
  • choose patterns for the small blocks (letters and/or pieced blocks)
  • choose fabrics for all the blocks
  • cut fabric and sew the five blocks
  • cut fabric for sashing and sew together sashing and blocks (except Blocks 26 and 35, unless I decide to include them as they are)
November is a short, busy month.  I hope I can meet this goal!

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal November Link-up at Elm Street Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Patty.



  1. You pulled some great fabrics for the cheddarback blocks.
    I smiled as you described having to piece that striped shirt for the sashing. Been there, done that. One of the joys of working with thrift store shirts. :)
    Currently I am piecing a checked fabric for an outer border, and trying to match it up to look like it isn't pieced. Arrrgh!

    1. Thanks, Janet.  They may not be the final ones I use, they were just somewhat close to the ones in the original block. 

      I think you are brave to piece plaid fabric.  There are so many lines in two directions (at least usually).  I wish you lots of success and an easy time of it!

  2. I wish I had some of that pink stripe. I'm going to have to be on the lookout for something similar, not for the sashing, just because I can see it in another quilt. It's going to be perfect for your Cheddarback quilt. I haven't started Cheddarback this month yet. I am trying to finish up another quilt that I just completed 20 simple applique blocks for. Why oh why, do I work on multiple quilts at a time, it's so much stress - ha!

    1. Hi, Robin --Sometimes I buy shirts just because the fabric is nice, I like the color, and/or they're too inexpensive the leave at the store.  Sometimes I'm thrilled to find a "just right" choice of fabric in a shirt for a particular quilt.  I hope that striped fabric will work, but I have to get the leaves off the (design) floor before I can put the Cheddarback blocks and sashing down again.
      I'll keep an eye out for another shirt like the striped one for you.  On rare occasions I find more than one of the same shirt at different times. 

      Yes, too many quilts at the same time.  I do the same thing.  When I stopped working on SLoL I felt great, and then i jumped into the leaves.  I completely understand what  you're saying about the stress of it.  One of these days I'll learn -- maybe.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh, I hope so, Cynthia.  I have to get the leaves off the floor before I can put the Cheddarback blocks down again and try out that sashing to be sure.  I don't know how you manage with your small space!

  4. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  5. Your Cheddarback block discussion is so interesting, Nancy. That pink striped fabric is lovely. I always look through the men's section at thrift stores...sometimes there is an interesting solid coloured fabric and as you allude to,like a ladies large, the men's size provides a goodly amount of fabric.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn.  I hope the pink striped fabric works.  I can't try it out to be sure until I get the maple leaves off the floor!
      I look at both the men's and women's sections at the thrift stores and often argue with myself about buying a shirt for a dollar or two.  I usually talk myself out of it and then later wish I'd bought the shirt because I realize that I usually get at least a fat quarter, and sometimes much more, from one shirt.  Two dollars for a fat quarter is a great price.  But I do have lots of shirts to use right now!


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