Friday, November 15, 2019

Perhaps a Little Too Subtle?

I'm looking at the outer sashing on these Cheddarback blocks.  When I decided I couldn't do blue as in the original, I scouted around for another color.  Perhaps I was influenced by Robin's beautiful pink in her version of Cheddarback.  She sent a close-up of the sashing and it's not really pink but a red print on a white background.  I loved it but I don't have that fabric, or any similar fabric.

So I pulled out a white-with-dark-pink striped fabric.  I was certain it would be perfect, but now I'm not so sure.  I haven't sewn any of the pink-striped sashing yet. 

I guess I thought it would appear a little stronger than it is.  I'll wait to look at it in a different light, and then make a decision about whether to use that fabric or look for a different one.  On the other hand, I could easily have used the same sashing I've used between the other blocks and there would have been no difference.  Perhaps this subtle difference is just enough.

I put the blocks on the family room floor temporarily (because the leaves are still on the larger floor) and had to pick them up because we use the family room is the one we use the most.  After I've picked up the leaves I'll put these blocks down.  Maybe I'll search my fabrics for one or two other possibilities before making a decision.

Sometimes -- occasionally or maybe even rarely -- I wish that the first choices were the perfect ones.  But if they were, I wouldn't get to play and experiment, and that would be very sad.

On another topic, my husband brought home a bottle of buttons for me today.  

I don't need more buttons and I don't purposefully collect buttons but if offered a bottle of buttons, I'll accept with a thank you.  My goodness, these are the dirtiest buttons I've ever seen!  Since this photo I've washed them several times and they're still not clean.  More photos of them later.

I'm linking this post to
> Finished (or not) Friday at Alycia Quilts
> Peacock Party at Wendy's Quilts and More
> BOMs Away at What a Hoot Quilts
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. I wouldn't say it's too pale--it all depends on the "look" you are going for...whatever pleases you in the end is what counts, right? I always find sashing and border fabrics difficult to choose. It looks soft and subtle to me with that pink...beautiful work on those blocks...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the striped sashing and for your kind words about the blocks, Julierose.  I decided to use the sashing after all.  Seeing it in a different light won me over (plus not having any other better fabric on hand).
      Take care,Nancy.

  2. Your Cheddarback is so beautiful! Did you even try the blue, or just decided, no?

    I love that bottle of buttons and spy some good ones in the pile. I often find the old button collections are so dirty, I wonder why.....a bit creepy? I guess folks used to not wash clothes very much.



    1. Hi, Lizzy --
      Yeh, I did try the blue.  I'm just not a lover of blue (most blues, anyway) but I thought it was pale enough that I'd like it or could at least live with it.  But when I put it with all the blocks that I'd finished it still seemed too strong to me. 

      I've washed all the buttons (except for the metal ones) and sorted most of them.  There are some similar to ones in my mom's button box but some different and interesting ones, too.  Dirty ... I almost wondered if they'd fallen on a cellar floor and been left there for a few years, collected dirt and dust, then been funneled into the bottle.  I think I washed and rinsed them at least 5 times!

      Which good ones did you spy?  I love old buttons and have many but I don't collect them purposefully and don't have a clue about which ones are "good."

  3. I like the pink stripe. It is subtle but sweet. But I do know if I have hesitations about my fabric choices - they niggle at me until I change them. You are the ultimate judge.
    There is a block in my 1857 quilt that bothered me a little when I first made it (fabric choice) and then when I showed my SIL the completed top she said she liked all the blocks but that one. I kept telling myself that it was fine but I've recently prepped a new applique block and I'm going to replace the first one.
    I promised myself I wasn't going to fix any already completed quilt tops anymore - too much work. But, here I go again.
    I wonder if the buttons are dirty because they were played with by children. My kids loved to play with my buttons.

    1. Hi, Robin --
      Well, I decided to use the pink stripe after all.  I laid out the blocks and sashing together in a room with more natural light and it wasn't quite so subtle.  Not strong, but just different enough from the other sashing to be noticeable.

      I think we are similar when it comes to talking ourselves into something we're not sure about.  I think several of the quilt tops I have waiting to be layered and quilted haven't been done because there's one thing or another about them that isn't quite right.  But I think it's amazing that you're going to replace a block -- is it in a quilt that's already quilted?  Even if it's only a top it's still a lot of work.  But I'm right there with you and would do the same.  I really appreciate your putting in words your experience (and the caution).

      I think these buttons were dirtier than children's hands could make them! I could almost imagine the buttons having been on a cellar floor for a few years, collecting dirt and dust, or maybe even outside somewhere.  I washed and rinsed them at least 5 times and most are clean but there are probably a few that could do with a good toothbrushing.  That will have to wait until after Thanksgiving.  My daughters didn't enjoy buttons too much but I used to like to look through my mom's button box.

  4. i really like the striping - I don't know why but in my vision I think it adds more Antique-sihness to it... It is a beautiful quilt!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the striped fabric and your kind comment about the quilt, Alycia.  I decided to use the stripes afterall and I like it!

  5. I always love pink;). I think it's sweet and subtle with your blocks.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia.  Pink is not one of my go-to colors (though you couldn't tell it from the number of shirts I've bought to use for quilts!) but I think it will work for this quilt.

  6. I love seeing your blocks set together, Nancy, and I think the striped sashing is just charming! I love that your husband thought of you when he found those buttons - such a sweet gesture.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the sashing, Karin.  I decided to use it after all.  Seeing it in a room with more natural light helped.
      My husband is thoughtful that way.


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