Friday, November 8, 2019

Almost Enough Leaves

A few leaves, side-by-side, in no particular order.

maple leaf blocks for quilt

I have 56 leaves, enough for a 7 x 8 layout, with another bunch in progress to replace several too-light, too-yellow blocks and enough more to make a 7 x 9 layout.

When I began these leaves a few weeks ago I was wishing for the autumn color we didn't have and imagining the wind rustling them as the sun shone through their bright colors.  Sometimes the leaves almost shimmer when the sun glows and the wind blows.  Some falls the colors in Ohio are amazing and truly, every leaf color in this quilt is a color we see on trees -- during a good autumn.

Now that these blocks are sewn and I see them on the floor, I question having used seven or eight different background fabrics.  The backgrounds began with leftover scrap fabric, continued with a few 3½" strips cut from yardage, and finished with fabric from several shirts.  I love the colors and I love the colors together but will I be able to arrange them in a way that creates a unified quilt?  I hope so!

One more consideration is sashing.  I've thought of a narrow 1" sashing between all the blocks.  From the beginning the fabric below was in the back of my mind as the perfect fabric.  But when I tried it this morning it seemed to darken the quilt too much.

When all the blocks are finished I'll play around with the arrangement of the blocks and fabrics for sashing.  To me, that's one of the fun parts of making a quilt.

I love these simple leaves: 14 pieces, 13 seams, cut, pin, stitch, press, and zip, they're done!

I'm linking this post to
> The Peacock Party at Wendy's Quilts and More
> Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts
> Off the Wall Friday at Creations... by Nina Marie
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. i love them and the different backgrounds....a real autumn feel which is what you probably wanted in the beginning...

    1. Hi, Grace --Thanks so much for your input about these blocks, colors, and layout.  Yes, I was definitely going for the brights of autumn.  I'm pleased that you think I succeeded!  Thank  you.

  2. I wouldn't change a thing, Nancy. It definitely speaks of autumn to me, and the blocks with lighter colors and less contrast give the whole thing the variety and depth that make it so interesting to the eye. I like the blocks together with no sashing, but if you really want to sash the blocks I am sure you will find something that clicks for you.

    1. Thank you for sharing your observations about these blocks and the layout, Janet.  You have a good eye and I always appreciate your thoughts.  From the beginning sashing was in the back of my mind as an option but I wasn't keen on it and didn't think it would work.  My husband, usually deferential when I ask his opinion about quilts, said he definitely thought these blocks needed sashing, "but whatever you think," he said.
      I needed to make another row of leaves and am almost finished.
      Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

  3. I love that teal-like blue background color. It gives it a special touch.I bet this has been fun so far, I can hear it in your voice. Our fall colors were less than spectacular this year as well. I guess they used up all their magic in the spring with all the rain and beautiful blooms.

    1. Oh, yes, me, too, Robin.  The blues in this quilt are the range I love -- deep, rich, with just a hint of green.  It has been fun to work on a quilt that requires so little.

      Our leaves finally began turning around the very end of October.  Many trees still have their leaves, both green, grown, and bright, but last night it snowed!  It's been the strangest autumn I can remember.

  4. Wonderful autumn leaves! And the different backgrounds add something special to the quilt. You'll have to decide what you like best, but I like it just the way it is laid out!

    1. Thank you, Sylvia.  I love the background colors, too.  I'm leaning toward no sashing (even though my husband, who is usually noncommittal about quilts in progress, thought they definitely needed sashing). I have another row to make and then I'll have a second look and decide.

  5. Wonderful Leaf blocks, they really capture the feel of Autumn. I vote for NO sashing, I love the movement and depth of the layout as is.

    1. Thank you so much, Lizzy.  I was hoping for autumn and knew the leaf colors would hark to autumn but I wasn't sure what the background colors would do.  Several have left positive comments about them.  I'm leaning against sashing.  I think it would be an interruption and create a more static look to the quilt. 

  6. Oh I like them - the scrappy backgrounds adds that depth of color that you find in forests- and the leaves - Beautiful colors!!

    1. Thanks so much for your great comments, Alycia.  I appreciate them.


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