Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Hands2Help 2023

I'm in!  This is my first year participating in the Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge.  I've thought about it in the past and couldn't figure out what quilt I could make quickly or how I could even get one hand quilted in two months. 

This year I was pleased to see that MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) is asking for tops only.  It's a happy circumstance that a few weeks ago I was trying to think of places where I could donate several tops awaiting quilting, ones that have been finished for a few years and that I'll probably never get around to quilting.  It'll be good for them to get finished and go to someone who can use them.

Sarah Craig is hosting at Confessions of a Fabric AddictAre You Ready For The Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge 2023? has information and the signup form, if you want to know more or participate.  And the schedule is here.  There are several organizations accepting/asking for donations, or participants can donate to a local organization.

Sarah writes a weekly post for the challenge.  Follow her blog or get it via email if you're interested.

Have you ever participated?  Did you make quilts during the challenge or in advance to be ready to donate them? 



  1. I've participated every year but last year when I wasn't quilting after surgeries. I'm in again this year. Victoria Quilts in Canada also takes tops and I always send at least one there. I'm so glad you found a way to participate!

    1. I see that a lot of quilters participate in this challenge and have always been interested in doing it, too. I don't know why I didn't think of making quilts in advance a few years ago. I'm pleased to participate this year.

  2. I haven't participated but most of my quilts for the past few years have been donated through our church's quilt ministry.

    1. I've noticed that so many of your quilts are donations to your church's quilt ministry. That's so good of you, Pat. I've donated quilts in the past and I think I'll begin again on a regular basis. It's to the point where we have enough quilts!

  3. Very commendable! I don't participate in charity quilt events but I will reconsider that as a way to experiment and not worry about the expense of quilting. Thanks for the info.

    1. I don't know if it's commendable when the purpose of giving away quilt tops is to clear some of my space, LIzzy!


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