Thursday, March 30, 2023

One Monthly Goal Finish for March, 2023

My One Monthly Goal for March was to count the number of zinnias, leaves, and stems I'd already made to be sure I had enough for 17 baskets.  I had to cut and prepare more leaves and now I have enough, and extras, which means I can still play with the placement of flowers and colors in the baskets.
zinnias in little plaid baskets
I thought three flowers in most baskets would be good but comparing the above photo to the one below, I think some baskets could have two, one, or no flowers.  Or maybe not....  Maybe it's all the leaves, or their placement, in the photo above that makes it look so full and busy, maybe even cluttered.  Or maybe there are too many yellow zinnias.  But then sashing will make a difference, too.  I'll have to give these thing some more thought before I sew more flowers.
zinnias in little plaid baskets
I also decided I need three more baskets for a total of four across and five down.  The blocks will finish at 10" x 12" so without sashing, the quilt would finish at 40" x 60".  Sashing and borders will add at least 12" or more across and at least 14" down.  It's so rare that I have a whole quilt planned out from the beginning.

These are the three background and basket fabrics I plan to use.
This is how I audition fabric for a basket, whether it will be cut straight of grain or on the diagonal.

I traced the basket pattern onto paper, then carefully cut out the basket to leave the paper intact.  I like to know how the baskets will look before I cut into fabric.

As always, I'm interested in your thoughts about all aspects of these blocks and my ideas for making them into a quilt.

I'm linking this post to
March One Monthly Goal Finish at Elm Street Quilts
Finished (or not) Friday at Alycia Quilts
Peacock Party at Wendy's Quilts and More

Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. I have to say that in my humble opinion, you can never have too many flowers! I love the first photo with 3 flowers in most baskets, 2 in some, and 1 in one. After viewing that flowery goodness, to me the second photo looked incomplete. But that is just my opinion, and counts for nothing on your quilt. :)
    Such a clever way you devised to audition the basket fabrics. Very smart!

    1. Thank you for sharing your observations, Janet.  I appreciate that.  I go back and forth and just in the past few days I've decided the busyness of the blocks all together may be because some of the leaves are a little large.  I'll cut some smaller ones and play some more.

  2. I love all the flowers! You can't have too many. It's so cheerful with all that color. I like the way you audition your fabric, I'll have to tuck that idea in my pocket and use it next time.

    1. Thank you, Robin.  The flowers are cheerful.  They look like summer to me.I think others audition fabric in a similar way, just for smaller blocks.

  3. I am impressed w your auditioning method. Excellent idea.
    I love the mix of 3, 2, 1 zinnias. It adds interest. Not sure about NO flowers in some baskets, that might look unfinished?
    I know you love sashing and I do see why you want to use it here, but I am thinking low contrast sashing maybe? A way I add width is to make the side borders as wide as needed, and keep the top and bottom borders much narrower. Like 3" t/b, 8" sides.

    such a cutie!


    1. Thank you, LIzzy.  I'm still playing with flowers in the baskets.  And the leaves.  I think the largest leaves may be a tad too large so I'll make some smaller ones and see what I think.
      A low contrast sashing might be great for this quilt/these blocks.  I'll play with that idea when I finish the blocks.  I'm more of a rectangular quilt person (though I know you love square ones).  I guess I haven't found a good use for square quilts yet.  

  4. I do think you could have more with one or two flowers. I don't see anything about the leaves that would make them responsible for the look of things, except maybe balance. I'm most likely not going to sash mine, and I appreciate the tip on the cut out, because that made so much sense once I finally figured out what you meant! Yes, even illustrated, it took me about 5 minutes, because I was so focused on the magic of the fabric look. LOL

    Whatever decisions you make, however torturous your process, you come up with beautiful quilts, so keep it up. =)

    1. Thanks for sharing your observations and thoughts, Susan.  I've been thinking that the largest leaves may be just a little too large.  I'm going to make some that are a little smaller and see what I think. 
      I'm glad the cut-out helped.  Maybe I could have explained it a little more clearly? 

  5. The two flower and three flower combo look marvelous to me. The shape of the basket is absolutely perfect! It's simplicity and beauty all rolled into one. As a matter of fact, you could say I'm patently envious! And then some. Perhaps when I can semi-retire there will finally be time to learn applique.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    San / Gypsy Quilter Designs / Murphy, NC

    1. Thank you, San. You are so generous with your compliments and comments. I love the basket shape, too, though there are two or three among these. I hope you get to semi-retire, soon!

  6. I love the variety of flowers in the baskets - so sweet!!and of course - your baskets fabrics are (is?) amazing!!!! This will be beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much, Alycia.  Yeh, I love the plaids, too. 
      I hope it is beautiful when it's finished.  It doesn't take much for me to ruin a quilt....  ;-)


I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks for stopping by.