Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June One Monthly Goal Finish

This is a quick post to confirm my One Monthly Goal finish, which was to hand quilt this Cacti block and the border surrounding it on my version of Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt. 
Cacti block of Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt
You can just barely see the quilted parallel, diagonal lines.  With this block finished it means I have only one more block and the quilt will be done except for the binding.  I guess it's time to think about getting the next top layered, basted, and ready to quilt.  Oh, joy!

It's amazing to me how quickly I can drop a quilt after I've met a goal, even if there's more to do to finish the whole quilt.  I finished this block last week and only tonight picked up my needle and thread again and added a few more lines of quilting.  I need to stick to the task at hand even if I've met a goal!

I'm linking this post to June OMG Finish Link-up at Elm Street Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Patty and Anne-Marie.



  1. Those quilted blocks are so pretty!! I find it harder and harder to stay on task with finishing these days...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose. I'm not sure what makes finishing so hard, either. Maybe it's the "glitz" of the new?

  2. Great progress. You're getting so close.

    1. Thank you, Robin. I am getting close. I think I have less than ten more lines to stitch across the last block, then the flower and leaves in the block. When I've finished that last block I'll need to go over the quilt again to be sure I've finished all the flowers and leaves.

  3. It's beautiful and yoy=ur focus on your goal is so commendable.

    1. Thank you, Lizzy.  I have to choose my public goal so carefully at the beginning of each month--what else do I know is planned for the month, what else might come up, etc.--and how much time do I have to devote to a specific goal.  I remember one month a few years ago I set a huge hand-quilting goal and ended up watching a movie or more each day just to accomplish it.  I'm more careful now.

  4. It's such a charming quilt! One more block to go, almost done!

    1. Thank you, Cynthia.  I think some of the flowers are really quirky but I agree it's a charming pattern.  I'll be glad to finish and move on to the next quilt!

  5. Yay, almost finished! I missed again, but I'll try one more time in July before I move in.

    1. Yes! You have a lot on your plate, Susan, so it's no wonder you missed. Hopefully, July's the month!

  6. Looking so lovely, Nancy. I took part in that QAL and the real upside was IT encouraged me to stay on task and keep up. The fastest I"ve ever completed a whole top!

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I didn't remember that you participated in this quilt-along, but perhaps I didn't know of your blog then. I agree: doing a quilt-along really creates enthusiasm and encouragement to keep up.


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