Friday, July 7, 2023

July's One Monthly Goal

I have several options for a monthly goal for July but I've chosen to finish hand quilting this block of Linda Brannock's Flowers quilt. 
It is in the southeast corner of the quilt and as I quilt the block I'll also quilt the border, which will mean a finished quilt.  Oh, except that I need to look over all the blocks and make sure I've quilted the flowers themselves.
So, my One Monthly Goal for July is to finish all the hand quilting on this quilt.

It's been a busy week and I don't know how we arrived at the 7th of the month already.  We also have heat, humidity, and high dew points so we've been sweltering here.  And we have a new addition to our family.  I'll post more soon.

I'm barely getting in under the wire to link this post to July One Monthly Goal Link-Up at Elm Street Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Patty and Anne-Marie.



  1. Beautiful choice for your next monthly finish. That is such a neat quilt!
    I think it's been hot and humid all over the country this past week. AC is on here for sure... hugs, Julierose P.S. Stay cool...;)))

    1. Thank you, Julierose. I think we're all getting tired of this quilt! After I've worked on a quilt for so long, I'm just ready for it to be finished, and that's about how it is with this quilt.
      Our AC is on but I always feel "confined" when I can't have the windows open, even if I am cooler. Crazy how that happens. It was beautiful out today with mid-70s temperature, low humidity, and a wonderful breeze. I hope your day was similar.

  2. Such a beautiful quilt! Your hand quilting makes it so special. It will be a good project for hot sultry July, if your home is nicely airconditioned. Here I waffle between ACing or not. I like the ocean air...but 99% humidity sometimes!

    1. Thank you, Lizzy. I wish my hand quilting had fine, tiny stitches.... You're right about needing air conditioning to hand quilt. We do have AC and like you, I waffle about it. We usually turn ours off at night and open the windows if it's going to be cool. Even with AC it's warm to quilt. I usually try to lay the quilt to the side and just have the hoop on my lap. I hope I can manage it this month for the rest of this quilt.
      We often have high humidity here, too, with high dew points. Ugg. I'll be much happier when fall weather arrives.

  3. Ooh, you're so close to finishing! How exciting! I agree that the weather doesn't make it very appealing.

    1. Yes, I'm really excited to finish this quilt, Anne-Marie. It's been in the hoop way too long.

  4. I hope for finishes for both of us, and you are more likely to have one. =) I do love this quilt, and hope for a finish for you, as I think about beginning my basket blocks - start of August, I think.

    I'm sure our weather is awful, as I see the humidity numbers, but I don't go outside if I don't have to, and keep the ceiling fans moving air around inside. I stepped out on the deck this morning and it wasn't too bad, but it was still early, and I won't be outside until Thursday morning about 8:30 again. I know fall is coming, even though it seems like summer was late getting here. Lots of rain this year.

    1. I absolutely hope for a finish for both of us this month, Susan! For me it's discouraging to miss/not accomplish a goal and then have to make it again.
      It seems like the weather has been hot across most of the U.S. recently. Good for you to stay inside and avoid the heat and humidity. Our humidity is usually compounded by a high dew point, too. I suppose it's the same for you.


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