Thursday, April 18, 2024

Links to Enjoy #23

I hope at least one or two of these links bring a smile.

Some of my favorite water animals include otters, seals, sea lions, and walruses.  I think it's their mustaches that capture my fancy.  I was really taken with E.T., the walrus.  Who knew walruses could whistle?!

(Just to say, I'm not a fan of zoos in general but I understand the need for injured animals who can't return to the wild to have care and a safe environment.  I also understand that zoo keepers teach them a few commands so veterinarians can attend them.  And I'm sure learning things makes the animals' lives a little more interesting.)

The photos of the Farm Family Project by Rob MacInnis are amazing!   How did he ever get the members of The Farm Family to pose?  I'd love to nestle my fingers into Angelina's fine fluff, scratch Brad's ears, and give Rosie a hug and a rub on her head.  The cast would certainly get a round of applause from me on Opening Night.  MacInnis must have a special gift to have been able to get the whole cast of characters to look at the camera at the same time in the last photo.  It's hardly possible with a group of people!   Read the Artist's Statement here.

If this article about Trader Joe's from Taste magazine is true, it's sad news.  (So, not exactly a link to enjoy, I guess.)

I loved Jacob's vibrant flowers in Glorious Blooms Erupt in Nidhi Mariam Jacob’s Meticulous Fantasy Garden Paintings.  Maybe you will, too.  



  1. Thanks. I always am interested in your suggested links, thanks.
    I could not read all the downer, critical TJ post, I ll try again later. I just enjoy the store's products for what they are. Sad.
    Zoos do make me uncomfortable, but yes, wildlife rehab sanctuaries seem positive. As for learning new things, , lol the walrus made me think Mo the Pug would be enriched by learning something new---we are still working on Fetch? [Mom, really? Why should I?]

    Did you read about the owl that escaped from the NYC Central Park Zoo? He lived free in the city, many sightings, for I think 3 years before succumbing to various bird ailments. But he thrived in freedom and lived as he pleased. He was loved and mourned by city bird lovers.



    1. You're welcome for the posts, Lizzy.  Thanks for responding.
      That Trader Joe's article was pretty long.  I have always held TJ's in high esteem, but knowing how they do business (or non-business) with small companies who've created a niche with international foods was hard to learn.  
      Mo might be enriched by learning something new but it sounds like fetch isn't that something.  What new thing could he learn that fits with what his breed was bred to do?  I can't remember about pugs....  On the other hand, if he's happy now, why try to mess up a good thing?
      Since you mentioned the owl in NYC, I looked him up.  Flaco was beautiful!  It's great he was able to survive outside his enclosure!  Thinking of all the tall buildings close together in NYC, I can imagine it might be hard for birds to maneuver between them.  Sad he flew into one of them.

  2. Thank you for the links. The Trader Joe article is sobering... errgh. Interesting, the comparison to "fast fashion". I guess the quilting equivalent would be mass produced quilts made overseas...

    1. You're welcome, Cynthia.  I have always held Trader Joe's in high esteem.  Now I'm not sure what I think.  So sad, especially for the indie creators of the original products.  It is an interesting comparison to "fast fashion" and mass-produced quilts.

  3. That article on Trader Joe's is so disappointing. I order [supposedly ?] real Irish Breakfast Tea from them through I am wondering...:(((
    thanks for the info...very interesting links this week
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. I agree about the TJ article, Julierose.  I've always held Trader Joe's in high esteem.  This article lowers that esteem a notch or two.  It seems like their problems are particularly prevalent with the international, specialty foods, but who knows.

  4. There are TJs in the suburbs but none very near us......when we were at the Quebec aquarium (Dec 2013) we watched the walruses at feeding time. (The tank was glass-walled so we saw them stem to stern. Note: do not get between a hungry walrus and its meal.)

    1. Walruses are so big. I'm sure it could be frightening to be too close to them while they are eating--so much weight to throw around. What a view to have a tank with glass walls, Nann. Now I'm wondering where the nearest zoo with walruses is.


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