Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Those Oh-So-Scrappy Stars

I've been feeling unsettled today and I'm not sure why.  Does that ever happen to you?  Something's not quite right but you're not sure what?  Today, for me, it could have something to do with the fact that my daughter, who's been so present in my life over the last several years, moved to South Dakota this weekend and I don't know when I'll see her again.  She has been such a support through last year's surgeries and vertigo, not to mention how much I enjoy her energy and bright spirit.

So it's been hard to focus for longer than a few minutes on anything today.  I have scrappy stars and little nine-patch blocks to sew, but they didn't capture my interest; and I have slow stitching and hand quilting to do, but neither of those hit the spot.  Then I remembered the oh-so-scrappy stars I made with Repro Quilt Lover Taryn's stitch-along last year.  Yes, the perfect thing.

Unlike me, who usually takes hours, days, weeks to make decisions, I pulled out some fabric, laid out the blocks on a piece of it, and began cutting alternate squares.
Scrappy Stars for the Scrappy Stars Stitchalong
The original quilt has fabric that leans a little toward gold/light orange, but I thought this was good enough.
This is old fabric that I sewed into a dress which, when it didn't fit, I cut apart so I could use the fabric.  This is what it looks like with the blocks.  I think it's satisfactory.  (Though a light blue might have worked, too....)
Scrappy Stars for the Scrappy Stars Stitchalong
The blocks have to be sewn together yet.  Maybe a finished top by the end of the week?!!

When I made these blocks I tried to recreate them using colors/fabrics as close to the originals as I could, and the layout is like the original little quilt, too.  But as I look at it, I'm tempted to rearrange the blocks.  Part of me says to leave them because the arrangement is like the original.  The other part of me says to rearrange them to create a little more balance. 

And what mom would want this quilt for her child unless she loves scrappy?!  It's just the craziest quilt!

I found the lost photos from a few days ago on Google photos where, I guess, my phone moves photos, or at least copies them.  Now I have to figure out how to move them from Google photos to my computer.  There's always something new to learn with technology!

Wherever you are, I hope you are safe, warm (or cool), and comfortable.



  1. The Scrappy Stars are really lovely on your choice of fabric!!
    I have had a few days like yours, too, lately. I usually will sit and read when I feel that way...or do housework...eventually I will come out of it, thankfully.;)))
    I was able to finish up the little log cabins "joinings" and am not that thrilled with how it looks; but the what to add next's tutorial is coming up today--so maybe that will please me. [Lot of work to end up looking kind of super-wonky-messy-whatever!!]. Anyway...we shall see....
    Hugs Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose. For the fabrics I just followed the lead of the original creator of the quilt. Very unusual combinations, I thought, in some of the stars. Makes for an interesting quilt, I guess.
      Reading and housework are good ideas to get past the unsettled feeling.
      I hope today's tutorial offers some interesting ideas for your next addition to the little log cabins. I think it's an interesting little quilt even if the cabins do seem wonky to you. I think it just keeps getting better!

  2. I really like the scrappy stars and the setting fabric helps them shine. We moved from Maine to North Dakota in January, 1994. Out of the refrigerator and into the deep freeze. And it's a deep freeze again this week.

    1. Thank you, Nann.
      I suppose it's even colder in North Dakota than South Dakota, but I've noticed this week that the temperatures are super cold. My daughter think low humidity keeps it from feeling as cold as it would with high humidity. She says it's not too bad. But then she's a lot younger than me!

  3. That fabric for the alternate blocks definitely reads as orange from a distance and I like it. It's a bit unexpected, but that's what makes it such a good choice. And I'd leave the blocks where they are. They look fine and the more you mix them up, the harder the task will seem - at least that's my experience!

    1. Thank you, Katie. I think it's the coral-ish flowers that lean toward orange.
      I did leave the blocks as they were in the original quilt. If I hadn't, as you suggest, I would have added a week until it was finished, arranging and rearranging.

  4. I agree with Katie's comment above. The alternate block fabric seems to be a perfect fit for your stars. They really shine with that background fabric, I wouldn't change a thing!

    1. Thank you, Pat. As it turns out, I didn't change a thing.

  5. I sure don't like that feeling like something is unsettled but you can't figure out what it is. I'm so sorry that your daughter isn't still close by. That's so hard. I have six kids but the one that I always turned to when I needed something has been reassigned to Hawaii. It's a great adventure for them but I sure miss him. I like how your little quilt is coming together. The floral adds such whimsy to the blocks. I'm glad you found something to enjoy making while you feel uncertain.

    1. For me, that unsettled feeling can last for days, until I finally figure out what the problem is.
      I vaguely remember you mentioning that your son moved to Hawaii, Robin. I didn't realize he was the child you always turned to. Yes, they get the great adventure (your son and my daughter) but here were are.... I'm beginning to feel old and not exactly useful.
      It was great to have that little quilt to focus on. I wish it had resolved the problem of my feeling unsettled.

  6. The Stars are so interesting. I'd go with the original layout---bec you made the effort to reproduce the stars as the original. I agree w Julierose, if feeling unfocused I read or do housework, or knit something plain. I also make lists for next morning, each night [evening]; and I am finding that if I just go into my little quilt room and sit down I do get going and am happy. I usually set out next steps, sketches or new fabrics when I I tidy up, so when I go in, something awaits me.

    Your daughter's move sounds exciting, is it for her career? But I know you'll miss her. Maybe she'll come visit and you can have your beach trips still.



    1. Thank you, Lizzy. I did decide to go with the original layout. I think the stars are quirky and the color and fabric choices so unexpected; and then the layout.... But it was a fun sew-along.
      Reading is a good choice, I think, if I'm already into a good book. I'm reading a non-fiction at the moment and a super-interesting fiction would be better right now. I suppose what I would most like to do is sleep but one can only sleep so much!
      The room where I sew is also the room where I have the computer, the family history, most other things I do (outside house work). It is currently overloaded with fabric. If I can get it cleaned and organized, it would probably be a great place to lay out fabric for the next day's work/play.


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