Friday, February 7, 2025

Tipping over the Edge of Halfway - One Monthly Goal

Everyday Patchwork
I'm so sorry for more photos of this quilt so soon.  When I'm working on only one or two quilts or projects it's hard to share something new with every post.

I finished hand quilting to the middle of this quilt today, or just above the middle.  In the photo below it's to the middle of the fourth row of blocks counting from the top of the quilt, the row with the pink and white skinny plus block. 
Everyday Patchwork
I considered quilting from the top down on the rest of the quilt so the fans would meet near the middle.  But when I quilt from an edge the fabric seems to shift forward ever so slightly, so I've decided I should probably keep going the direction I've been quilting.  Why risk a small mound of fabric in the center of the quilt?  I'm not sure why that happens.

My monthly goal for February is to hand quilt two rows of fans across this quilt.  I think I should be able to accomplish that.

On a health note, my vertigo seems to be gone--has been gone for longer than a week.  I can't tell you how happy that makes me.  The physical therapist recommended that I continue the eye and balance exercises the rest of my life!  Vertigo is one of the maladies that, once you've had it, can return unexpectedly at any time.  The exercises aren't so bad and they only take a few minutes.

I'm linking this post to
> February One Monthly Goal at Stories from the Sewing Room and
> Finished (or not) Friday at Alycia's Quilts.
Thanks for hosting, ladies.



  1. So happy to hear that the vertigo--has gone away!! :))))
    Your quilting is really beautifully done. The quilt is looking lovely...
    hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks so much, Julierose. I really hope the vertigo is really gone this time!

  2. Really love the look of this quilt. I think it is definitely a good plan to keep going in the direction you started. I often like to work from the middle out, if I am doing an all-over pattern, but Baptist Fans don't lend themselves to that. I think you made a wise choice.
    That is great that the vertigo is gone!! I am one of those people who has experienced it off and on over the last 20 years or so. Only had about 3 or 4 episodes in all that time. Some last only days, but one was with me a few months. Not fun. I hope you have many years ahead with no recurrences!

    1. Thank you, Janet. I usually start quilting in the center except for Baptist Fans. They seem directional to me and I would find it impossible to know where to start and end the fans without the previous one having already been stitched.
      I didn't know you had vertigo, too. I hope it doesn't come back for you, either. It's just so uncertain. I wonder if I'll ever be able to plan and commit to anything in the future. I suppose the further behind me this experience is, the less I'll feel that way. Thanks for your hope for no recurrences!

  3. You are making great progress!! So glad you are feeling free of your vertigo. I bet you are getting all kinds of other things done not just with your quilting. Maybe you can go sit on the beach soon and soak in the serenity. And, I never tire of seeing this quilt - it's so pleasing and because of when it is being quilted, it represents overcoming obstacles.

    1. Thank you, Robin.  It feels like good progress.  I hope I can keep it up!
      No vertigo makes it possible for me to do other things that I couldn't easily do before, Robin.  I've started going through things to decide what to keep and what to pass on, so that's taking some time. 
      I'd love to go to the beach but I think my beach-going days are over.  My daughter, who initiated the trips and drove or arranged flights, is moving to South Dakota.  She has met a fellow and they are planning to get married.  I'm excited for her, sad for me.  All along I knew that some things we did together could be the last time for those things but I never imagined she'd move so far away!
      I hadn't thought of this quilt representing overcoming obstacles, but indeed it does!

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better. Your quilt is looking great.

    1. Thanks so much, Anne-Marie. The quilt is slow progress, but progress, nonetheless.

  5. I think you are wise about the direction of your quilting. What a pretty quilt. How wonderful to be rid of the vertigo! Great that you have exercises to help keep it at bay.

    1. I'm so glad there's a consensus for the direction of quilting the fans Cynthia. It makes me think I'm headed in the right direction!
      Yes, it's been wonderful not to have vertigo. Sometimes I'm light-headed but I'll take that any day over all-out vertigo! I have to push myself to do the exercises....

  6. Beautiful quilting. And such good news about the vertigo. Will you be able to resume driving, if it can return at any time?

    1. Thank you, Lizzy. Yes, I'm really pleased about the vertigo. I'm still light-headed occasionally but at least it's not all-out vertigo.
      Yes, I've been driving! Such wonderful freedom. It's great to be able to get out and about a few days a week, especially during these grey winter days.

  7. Ohh how pretty - and yay on the progress of the quilting!

  8. First I'm so happy the vertigo has gone away. And don't apologize for showing those pretty blocks...good luck with getting the monthly goal done, you are on your way. I start from the center and work out to the edges and for the same reason you mention. Happy Stitching, Nancy.

    1. I'm so happy about the vertigo, too,Jocelyn.  Now, if I can just figure out the cause of the of the ongoing headache I'll be in great shape.Thank you for your kind comment about the blocks and the encouragement for meeting my goal.  I'm a little over halfway there.


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