Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 In Review

My consolation in having so few completely finished quilts this year is that quilting was not the only interest and emphasis for me.  Maybe I'll make more quilts this year, or maybe not....  So, this is a review of my 2017 applique and quilting efforts.

Completely Finished Quilts  (only four)
A Blue Plaid Linen Shirt was the backing for this little patriotic quilt.
Small primitive flag quilt from a pattern by Cheri Payne

The green/blue Buckeye Beauty was The Ugliest Quilt of the year.  But it's done!
Buckeye Beauty quilt

My favorite quilt of 2017 was this really scrappy one, made of leftovers from another quilt.

A dozen blocks (also leftovers over from another, larger quilt) became one small quilt - large enough to cover legs, small enough to wrap a baby or toddler.

Interim Finishes (as in, finished blocks, finished tops, etc.)

I devoted time to choosing fabrics, pattern pieces, and appliqueing these Cheri Payne Baskets of Plenty sew-along blocks which are currently awaiting a decision on layout, sashing, and borders.  (Poor, late-night phone photo.  Don't bother to enlarge.)

My Gwenny-inspired Medallion quilt top received its final border with appliqued vines and stars.  It has yet to be layered and quilted.

This very red/pink Buckeye Beauty is finished to the top stage.  This is a sister to the ugliest quilt, above.  I like this one much better.
red scrappy Buckeye Beauty quilt

Most Viewed Posts in reverse order, least viewed to most viewed
> A Finish, Compared to...
> Baskets of Plenty #7:  Cheeky Bird
> Baskets of Plenty Block 2, Choosing for Block 3
> The Ugliest Quilt
> First Basket of Plenty, Finished

Posts with Most Comments in reverse order, least comments to most comments
> Albino Crow, Strong West Wind tied with When Does a Project Become a UFO?
> Back to Scrap Squares
> Wrestling
> The Ugliest Quilt
> A Scrappy Finish

Truly, this was a little year on the quilting front.  Three of the complete finishes had been in progress for a while and only one was new, so I was pleased to have finished three UFOs.  In 2018 I hope to quilt several tops that have been waiting and start and finish several quilts at least to the flimsy stage.

I'm linking this post to Cheryl's Best of 2017 Linky Party at Meadow Mist Designs.  Click through to see other quilters' best of in 2017.  Thanks for hosting, Cheryl.

I wish you all the best to you in 2018!



  1. You might think little was accomplished, but I think it looks great!

    1. Thank you, Michelle. I appreciate your kind words!

  2. May not be huge numbers of quilts, but they are all great ones. And I laugh when you call that Buckeye Beauty an ugly quilt. It has always seemed really attractive to me.
    I have not accomplished much, either. You may well have me beat, but I am not even going to look back and see how little I have done. :)

    1. Thank you, Janet. The longer I love the surer I am of the adage, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

      It's good we don't compare what we've done with what others have done. I find doing so can bring on feelings of either pride or discouragement. Life is busy for all of us and we have different priorities. I love making quilts but it's not my first priority when it comes to uncommitted time.

      I hope you enjoy your retreat!

  3. I think this is a great array of work and I enjoyed being there on the quilting journey with each of these quilts. All the best in 2018.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I appreciate you following the journey of these quilts. Few quilts-in-progress make for many posts about the same quilts! Wishing you the best in 2018, too.

  4. Great finishes! Thanks for linking up and happy new year!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Thanks for hosting the link-up! I hope you're having a great New Year!

  5. I laughed at your "ugly quilt" comments. You have to chronicle them cuz they still take so much time! Your favorite is also my favorite. and I like the quilting on that one too. Did you hide all the threads on those congruent circles?

    1. Hi, Maidenhair Fern. Oh, how I struggled with that ugly quilt, and I think every agonizing step became a blog post. LOL. (My poor readers.) Absolutely, they take just as much time, maybe sometimes more because of the work to try to make them better than ugly!

      I hand quilted the scrappy quilt with the circles so I didn't have threads to hide.

  6. LOVE your ugly quilt!!


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