I've been feeling unsettled today and I'm not sure why. Does that ever happen to you? Something's not quite right but you're not sure what? Today, for me, it could have something to do with the fact that my daughter, who's been so present in my life over the last several years, moved to South Dakota this weekend and I don't know when I'll see her again. She has been such a support through last year's surgeries and vertigo, not to mention how much I enjoy her energy and bright spirit.
So it's been hard to focus for longer than a few minutes on anything today. I have scrappy stars and little nine-patch blocks to sew, but they didn't capture my interest; and I have slow stitching and hand quilting to do, but neither of those hit the spot. Then I remembered the oh-so-scrappy stars I made with
Repro Quilt Lover Taryn's stitch-along last year. Yes, the perfect thing.
Unlike me, who usually takes hours, days, weeks to make decisions, I pulled out some fabric, laid out the blocks on a piece of it, and began cutting alternate squares.
The original quilt has fabric that leans a little toward gold/light orange, but I thought this was good enough.
This is old fabric that I sewed into a dress which, when it didn't fit, I cut apart so I could use the fabric. This is what it looks like with the blocks. I think it's satisfactory. (Though a light blue might have worked, too....)
The blocks have to be sewn together yet. Maybe a finished top by the end of the week?!!
When I made these blocks I tried to recreate them using colors/fabrics as close to the originals as I could, and the layout is like the original little quilt, too. But as I look at it, I'm tempted to rearrange the blocks. Part of me says to leave them because the arrangement is like the original. The other part of me says to rearrange them to create a little more balance.
And what mom would want this quilt for her child unless she loves scrappy?! It's just the craziest quilt!
I found the lost photos from a few days ago on Google photos where, I guess, my phone moves photos, or at least copies them. Now I have to figure out how to move them from Google photos to my computer. There's always something new to learn with technology!
Wherever you are, I hope you are safe, warm (or cool), and comfortable.