Friday, September 20, 2024

The Path of Least Resistance

It turns out having cut and mostly-ready-to-sew pieces of fabric for a specific quilt block makes it easier--a path of least resistance--to make those blocks when one's creative juices aren't flowing, or one doesn't have much energy.  Over the past few weeks I've finished 23 scrappy stars.  They're brighter than in the photo below.
Some are more appealing than others. The ones that are less appealing to me are similar to this one, below, because the star points get muddied with the medium triangles at the edges. The ones I like best are like the ones below where the stars stand out strongly..
Though I like some arrangements better than others, I think all of them together will be interesting.  I'm planning an alternate star - plain fabric (what color?) - star setting.  I like that each of these will have its own space.

That's it for my quilting endeavors except for the little plaid baskets which I'll post about later.

Here are a couple of photos from being out and about.

We saw these at the thrift store and thought they looked like robots. I don't know what their true purpose is.
The angles and shadows of the railings in this photo caught my attention while I was waiting for my daughter after a physical therapy appointment.
And the grass in our yard is less like grass and more like straw.
We haven't had rain in weeks, maybe a month or more.  So much of the grass is dead and many of the trees are losing leaves because of the drought.  They drop to the ground, brown and brittle.  I doubt we'll have much color this fall.  In the countryside, we saw that much of the field corn has been harvested already, which usually doesn't happen till at least October, and the soybeans are as dry now and they are in late October other years.  The weather app will predict the possibility of rain several days in advance, then change the forecast a day or so later to no rain.  As I write this at 8:30 in the evening, it's 81 degrees outside.  Please come soon, rain and autumn weather!

I'm linking this post to Finished (or not) Friday at Alycia Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Alycia.


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