Sunday, April 25, 2021

One Monthly Goal Finish for April

My One Monthly Goal for April was to hand quilt 10 of the 39 remaining unquilted blocks in Autumn Maples.  You know how it is when you get to the edges of a quilt:  it seems like it takes longer than the whole center.  It's no different with this one.
maple leaf quilt in autumn colors
Of the 39 blocks that needed to be quilted at the beginning of the month there are now 20 left to quilt, which means I've quilted 19.  Goal met!  I know the month's not over but we're on call to help our daughter when she comes home from the hospital with our new granddaughter.  I'll continue to quilt while I'm home but the quilt will stay at home while we help her and her family. 

You can see the quilting lines a little better in this photo.  It's probably because I'm quilting this autumn quilt in the spring, but I'm having a love/hate relationship with it.  
maple leaf quilt in autumn colors
I'm looking forward to having this done, which tells me I need to get the next quilt ready so I can just keep quilting.  I'm sure I'll have to choose and possibly buy backing for whichever quilt it is and I'll need to get batting, too.

Have you heard that the price of fabric will be going up within the next few months?  I wish it weren't so, but then hasn't nearly everything increased in price?

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal April Finish Link-up at Elm Street Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Patty.



  1. I think your Autumn Maples are just lovely--great colors for those should be fun quilting...enjoy hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose.  It has been fun, but it was more fun in November.  Haha.

  2. You are so close now. Maybe you’ll have a finish next month. I don’t really enjoy working on things out of season, which isn’t good if you have large projects. They always end up getting carried over until the following year.

    1. I hope I can finish it this month, Jennie!  I don't usually do seasonal quilts but I can certainly understand carrying them from one year to the next to keep them in season.  It's so much more fun quilting autumn colors in autumn, spring colors in spring, etc.

  3. Oh, this quilt just gets more charming as the hand quilting stitches go in. Sometimes is it hard to work on something out of season. I have a Christmas quilt in the hoop and I am really enjoying it. But, I have a fall quilt top in progress. I get it out every fall and put another round on it. I just don't want to work on it when the holidays start. Maybe someday I'll finish it. What quilts are on your list to quilt next?

    1. Thanks, Robin.  I hope I fall in love with it again by the time it comes out of the dryer.
      Possibilities for quilting next are Everyday Patchwork and Cheddarback; there are others to choose from, too, but so often when I pull out some of my finished tops I decided I need to make a change or two or more and then just fold them back up till I can get to them.  Those two I'm certain I won't be changing.

  4. I'm SEW glad that you are powering through this quilt, Nancy. It's SEW gorgeous!!

    1. Thanks, Joyful.  One way or the other it will get done!

  5. Congrats on your progress so far, Nancy. It's a gorgeous quilt in progress. It will be a rewarding finish.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. I will be thrilled when it is finished, especially because I'll be able to move on to something else. Haha.

  6. A beauty! Oh, no another price hike on fabric! Thank goodness for our stashes!

    1. Thank you, QuiltGranma. No, I don't like the sound of price increases, either.

  7. Great progress! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.


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