Friday, May 7, 2021

One Monthly Goal: Another One Just Like the Other One

Aren't we all just so sick of this quilt?  (And I won't think a thing about it if you don't leave a comment.  How many things can one say about the same quilt month after month after month?!)

maple leaf quilt in autumn colors

I have had to talk myself into setting a goal this month.  It is to hand quilt ten blocks of Autumn Maples.  There are 19 blocks left to quilt so by the end of the month there should be nine or fewer to quilt.

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal May Link-up at Elm Street Quilts (and getting in just under the wire to link up).



  1. I have often posted about the same quilt for months on end if it's what I have been working on. I admire your commitment and perseverance and bull headed stubbornness in your determination to complete the thing. Only 19 blocks to go? You mean you have already competed 71 blocks!! Way to go!!

    1. My math is off. 61 + 19 = 80 blocks. That's still a lot completed!

    2. LOL.  Yes, Chris, sometimes it's just bull-headed stubbornness.  (But I like to think of it as being strong-willed and determined.  LoL)
      When you post about the same quilt for months, do you ever get tired of the quilt and just wish it were finished?
      I have done a lot of blocks, and I'm down to 15 yet to do.  I hope to get the 10 (or more) done this month.
      Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. I really love this quilt, so I am happy every chance I get to see it!

  3. I stand by my ongoing opinion: I LOVE this quilt, love love love it.

    PS bec I am too lazy to post on your other blog post, I like following blogs on email, it is usually fairly efficient. I do not delete the notices. But then I maybe follow only 10 blogs that post approx once a week or so.

    1. Thank you, Lizzy.  I'm sure I'll love it again sometime, maybe when it's finished and when fall comes.
      I think I just follow too many blogs (without commenting on all of them).  There are over 300!  It would be wretched to get so many emails in a week.  I'm exploring other email options for you and the rest of the people who follow by email.  I hope to have it sorted soon.

  4. A beautiful quilt stays beautifull even when seen several times

    1. That's true, Kleine Vingers. I think I'm just a little tired of this one.

  5. Oh I, for one, am definitely not sick of seeing this beauty!! I think your goal of quilting 10 blocks is a good one...enjoy the slow journey...(have you read "Sarah Lizzie's" blog on slowly quilting?) I sometimes hate to see a quilting project end as the serenity of just "needle in needle out" seems to make me feel all is right with our crazy world these days...
    Enjoy hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose.  After you suggested it, I did visit Sarah Lizzie's blog but I didn't find her post about slowly quilting.  It seems like she enjoys things as she goes, though. 
      I know what you mean about being sad a project is ending.  It's especially true for me when I love a quilt from beginning to end with no ambivalence between.

  6. Think I can see the light at the end of your (leaf filled!) tunnel! You are almost there - keep up the good work, We all know what it's like and are cheering you on!

    1. LOL. Thanks you, Kathi. I like the imagery of a leaf-filled tunnel and seeing the light at the end. I'll have to keep that in mind as I quilt. Thanks for cheering me on. I appreciate it.

  7. You are so funny. The good news is that you haven't stopped working on it. It will be so lovely when it is done.

    1. Thank you for seeing the humor in the situation, Robin.  Yes, it is good news that I haven't stopped.  I'm really so close to finishing.  I've put aside unfinished tops but never a quilt in the process of being quilted. 
      Thanks for the encouragement.


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