Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Odd and Unusual - Saturday Snapshots

I have loved all the snow this winter and I hope we get more before spring comes, but this week's skies have been ones to fall in love with.  This honey locust shades our house from May through September but leafless, it gives a great view of our beautiful blue sky on Friday.

And now for the odd and unusual.  In January I was sitting in our local BMV waiting to renew my license.  This is the shadow I noticed on the floor.  From lettering on the window, I think. 

Inside a candy wrapper, who knew chocolate could make such an impression!

Then there was this reflection and shadow on the table one afternoon.

And last, my daughter's cat.  Well, almost her cat, more like the shadow of her cat.  She has two and brings them along when she visits.  I don't want cats in the kitchen so we keep them corralled in other rooms.  Occasionally adventurous Jane finds her way to the living room.  We knew she was in there but when we called, she ignored us.  (Typical cat.)  Then my daughter noticed Jane's shadow as she walked along the window sill.  She probably thought she was still hidden.

I'm still playing the Minimalist Game, discarding one item on the first day of the month, two on the 2nd day of the month, etc.  In January and February I passed on or discarded over 571 items.  I have to tell you, though, that about 75 or 80 of those were digital photographs.  I also got rid of income tax files that were 7 to 18 years old, some outdated food, other stuff....  I am such a collector and a saver.  This has been a fun game for me.  I haven't done a deep dive into closets yet, just touching the surfaces right now.  I'll be in good shape if I can keep it up for a few years.  Haha.

I hope you're having a good weekend, enjoying life, and staying healthy.



  1. Cool photos! You definitely have the eye for it. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. I hope you had a good weekend, too.

  2. Your baby quilt is so sweet, Nancy.
    I love this post! Capturing reflections like this is so interesting...definitely a change in perspective of ordinary things.
    I applaud your clearing out too. I must get on it. We all have too much!

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn.  I've been spending more time on the baby quilt and less time on clearing out this month.  I'll have to get on it, too!

  3. Beautiful photos. You notice things others might overlook.

    1. Thanks, Lizzy.  I do better at noticing and photographing when I'm not in a hurry!

  4. Very interesting and intriguing photos. Sunlight does add so much to our lives. You are doing really well with your game.

    1. Thanks, Shasta.  Oh, what would I do without the sun?!  I love grey days but if I don't get sunny ones between I could just sleep all day.  The game -- I did really well in January and February but this month I'm devoting most of my time to the baby quilt and not much time to cleaning out.  I'll get back to it.

  5. I enjoy seeing your unique perspective with the camera.
    You make me want to get back to the minimalist game--it was good for me. But our youngest son has put out a challenge to the family to work on learning a new language using Duolingo every day. Have been doing it a week, and I have already forgotten on two days. :(

    1. Thanks, Janet. Odd photos.
      This month I haven't been able to keep up with the minimalist game because I've been devoting so much time to this baby quilt. Like you, it seems like I can't keep up with two "big" things at the same time. I hope your new language is coming along!

  6. Enjoyed your photos. Your challenge sounds interesting, but I think that I am not there yet. Good luck with it.

    1. Thanks, Jennie.  It's always fun to see what the camera catches when I snap a photo.Oh, I'm not sure I'm really there yet with this challenge.  I did well in January and February but the baby quilt has taken my time and this month I'm not keeping up with sorting through stuff that's been in boxes for ages.  It feels good to pass on the unused, never-will-be-used stuff but it takes time to sort.  I'll get back to it one of these days.  You, on the other hand, probably only have things you absolutely love in your home!


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