Thursday, October 7, 2021

Burgoyne Again This Month for My One Monthly Goal

It will be another Burgoyne Surrounded block for this month.
I would love to set a goal to make the final three but we're having guests for a while, my daughter's two kitties, and they really enjoy the room where I sew.  I think they'd like to sew themselves if it were possible.  So, it's my One Monthly Goal (an almost laughable one) to make one Burgoyne Surrounded block.

These are the nine I've finished.
Burgoyne Surrounded
I like these blocks a lot and if I make another would try a more controlled color arrangement.  However, they are not quickly sewn blocks.  I think there are 97 squares/rectangles per block (and I didn't count the seams).  There's aligning, pinning, sewing, pressing, all repeated again and again.  And then you have these fun blocks!

I have a blogging question for you.  Before you add photographs to your blog do you resize them?  My blog seems to load so slowly and I recently read that it might be because of the size of my photographs.  Anyone know about that?  Thanks!

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal October Link-up at Elm Street Quilts. Thanks for hosting, Patty.



  1. I often edit and crop my photos before adding them. Now that I have faster internet, they load much quicker.

    1. Thanks for letting me know what you do with photos, Chris. Maybe it's my computer or the internet that makes them slow to load.

  2. My understanding which may be wrong is that Google has a maximum amount of file size for a blog's photo library and will begin charging if the blogger exceeds that number. So I've always resized my photos to 800x600 to keep the photos fairly small and hopefully avoid ever being charged for my blog. I had read this several years ago and it was suggested keeping the photos at about that size. You can take all this with a grain of salt because I don't know how or where to verify this.

    1. I believe Google no longer charges for too many photos. I used to pay an annual fee and they stopped that about 4 years ago.

    2. Thank you, Pat.  I know Google used to charge if you uploaded all your photos to google.  I keep mine on my computer and upload from there to my blog.  Google keeps the ones I upload but not the others.  I don't know if you saw Lizzy's response to your comment?  She said, "I believe Google no longer charges for too many photos. I used to pay an annual fee and they stopped that about 4 years ago."
      I hadn't heard the recommendation to keep photos at 800 x 600.  Maybe I should resize the ones I post.  Thanks so much for that information.

  3. I love this quilt--have had pattern and fabric to make for years--good thing fabric does not have an expiration date

    1. It's a great pattern, isn't it?  Indeed, it is wonderful that fabric never expires.  (Though I have bought some pieces that had a slightly "old" odor.)  Hope you enjoy it when you begin.

  4. Having made one scrappy and having another one in the works that is two color, I agree that scrappy makes it a bit more work to put together. But then I resist working on the 2 color because I crave more color variety. :)
    Those 97 pieces in each block are not simple to assemble no matter which color way you choose. Your blocks are looking great! I'll be cheering you on!

    1. Thank you. I feel it, Janet--the need for more colors in a quilt. I've made several two-color quilts. I can only handle two colors IF I can also use a good variety of fabrics in those two colors. I think scrappy is worth the extra time, effort, and work.

  5. A goal is just something you haven't done yet. I bet you'll find you have time to get more than one block done. I'm expecting company this month too except I have no idea when they will be here. The unknown part is hard to prepare for.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Robin.  The problem about the kitties is that they like to be on all surfaces, including the ironing board where I usually lay out blocks in preparation to sew them.  They and I will work it out and I hope to get all three made this month.
      Oh, it is hard when you don't know when company is coming.  It's probably easy to have beds prepared (if you have spare ones) but having groceries on hand, especially fresh food, makes it difficult.  Did you get your painting done?

  6. Nancy, I'm happy the ocean captivated you so much you didn't feel like stitching. It sounds very restful perhaps exactly what you needed. Your pretty cigar box is perfect. I have several but mine are wooden.
    Burgoyne blocks are lovely. I wonder could I do them.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn.  This cigar box is wood, just paper-covered.  I have others that are uncovered wood, too.  And a few that are heavy cardboard covered with paper.

      I'm certain you could stitch the Burgoyne blocks.  They are simple sewing, just straight lines 1½", 2½", and 3½", and 5½" long, plus two that are 15½" long.  I'm sure you could make them.  I think they're easier than log cabin blocks, just more seams and bigger.

  7. Lovely traditional, classic block, beautifully done in a scrappy way by you. I love your version.
    Maybe the kitties will sleep a lot?

    I edit and crop all my photos, then resize to ''large'' as I put them into my text. I do love having lots of photos in my posts, hope my blog doesn't load too slow? It may be your computer's age, instead.btw your blog loads instantly for me when I open it.

    1. Thank you, Lizzy.  The kitties do sleep but they most enjoy sleeping on flat surfaces where I try to lay out blocks in preparation to sew, such as my ironing board.
      Thanks, too, for the information about how you deal with photos.  I often edit and crop and also add to my posts as "large."  I love seeing your lots of photos, too, Lizzy.  What's a blog post with photos, the more the better.  And thanks for letting me know my blog loads quickly on your computer.  Mine is 5 or 6 years old so that could be the problem.

  8. I edit and crop, but have never resized. Not sure that I even know how. I use lots of photos, and it takes a few minutes to upload. I blog off my phone using an app called BlogTouch. It wasn’t free, but the cost was minimal and I enjoy the convenience. Love your blocks. I made that quilt in scrappy reds, but it has an applique border that remains unfinished. Yours is lovely.

    1. Thanks for sharing how you manage the photos you post, Jennie. I sometimes edit and crop, too, but rarely resize and never for a blog post. I blog from my computer mostly because phones just seem too tiny for me.

      Thanks for your comment about the blocks. I remember seeing your Burgoyne and love it. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished one day.

  9. I love the scrappy Burgoyne surrounded, and intend to make one of those quilts... it is on my someday list.

  10. Yes, I reduce the size, and then sometimes make them clickable to get a closer look. Not that I've done anything to blog about lately.

    1. Thank you, Susan.  When you reduce the size do you use a program like or one of the commercial photo programs?  Is there a standard reduction you use, such as 75% or 50% or do you reduce by number and then let the program keep the same proportion for the second number? 


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