Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Center Light, Sunday Morning - W.i.P. Wednesday

I've started the quilting on Center Light, above.  The section where there are no pins is the only part I've quilted so far.  I had in mind how I wanted to quilt this but now I'm thinking of adding more quilting.  All straight lines and corners.  I plan to hand quilt this at a leisurely pace.  When it's done, it's done.

Below are the Sunday Morning blocks laid out, waiting to be rearranged and/or added to.  I can't seem to stick to really low volume fabrics.  I accepted white backgrounds with color, including red, pink, brown, green, and black.  I like it better now that most of those orange strings have been removed.
My goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes is to have this top sewn together by the end of June.  As it is now, it would finish at about 75" by 90", before hand quilting and washing.  I was thinking of making it queen size but with all the seams, I'm not sure about hand-quilting it....  Either way, the top will be stitched by the end of June.

I'm linking this post to
W.i.P. Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.  Thank you, Lee.
A Lovely Year of Finishes at Fiber of All Sorts.  Thanks, Shanna.



  1. The Low Volume quilt is really lovely! I want to do one too (maybe not that pattern exactly, I don't know) but I do have a hard time deciding what sorts of fabrics to allow - some things that fit into the quilt in the book are things I'd have probably rejected as too loud, if I'd had them in my stash. But you look at the picture, and they obviously fit in. And probably they keep it from being too flat looking. I don't know, obviously I need to think about it a little more!

    1. Thank you, wipgirl. You sound like me: taking some time to consider the possibilities before moving forward with a quilt. Sometimes it takes me forever to make a decision. Fortunately I have plenty of tops to work on. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  2. I think your Sunday Morning is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Carla. I can't seem to make it as low volume as yours and some others I've seen, though. Those pinks, roses, and reds just seem to creep in. At least they're in small doses.


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