In my last post I showed a photo of puckered quilting along the border of a string quilt in-progress. I knew it shouldn't pucker but I didn't know what I was doing wrong. Within an hours of the post Ann Marie of AMSewing read my problem and responded with the suggestion to baste the border. (The pin-basting wasn't effective.)
Another several hours later Allison of New Every Morning Patchwork and Quilting left a comment suggesting that I baste around the very edge of the quilt.
I unstitched the quilting over the weekend, basted the border and very edge of the quilt this morning, and requilted this evening. Yes! Because of their suggestions I have no more puckers.
Thank you, Ann Marie and Allison. I appreciate your help.
You are welcome! Thank you for the mention too. Funnily enough I've been having problems with machine quilting today. I'll be posting a photo and asking for help in my next blog post!