Saturday, February 6, 2021

Beginning a New Baby Quilt

I've always thought bright, colorful quilts are best for babies.  When their little eyes can focus, they gravitate toward those bright colors.  But this new grandgirl who is due to arrive near the end of April has four creative, active, energetic older siblings.  Her mom and I agree that a light, calm, pastel quilt might be best for this baby.

With that in mind, my One Monthly Goal is to begin a scrappy baby quilt with all or some of these fabrics.

I have an idea or two -- pink, but not too much pink; light, airy, welcoming, warm -- but not an exact plan.  I'll begin with scrappy but I'm open to making traditional blocks, too.  It will be interesting to see which and how many of these fabrics play well together.  I have more I can pull but I'll start with these (and some other small scraps).

So my One Monthly Goal for February is to begin a baby quilt.  And now it's playtime for me!

I'm linking this post to One Monthly Goal February Link-up at Elm Street Quilts.  Thank you for hosting, Patty.   Be sure to click the link to see the goals others have chosen for February.



  1. You have a lovely pile to pull from, and it sounds like you have time to explore possibilities. Have fun!

    1. Thanks, Janet.  It feels like I have too little time to explore possibilities.  I guess there's some glitch in our relationship that I haven't been aware of that my daughter would wait so long to tell me she's pregnant!  I don't think I'll have too much playtime if I want the quilt finished by the end of April!

  2. There's no more fun in quilting than making a quilt for a new grand baby! You have a wonderful array of fabrics to choose from. Enjoy!

  3. I love your fabric pull for this quilt - and it will be fun to see what you come up with. A new baby - the BEST reason to start a new quilt!

    1. Thank you, Cynthia.  I wasn't sure if they would all work well together or not.  I've edited out a few and added a few and I think they'll all play nicely together now.

  4. Sweet colors that I know will equate to the perfect quilt for the new baby girl.

    1. Thank you, Jennie.  I hope for perfection but we'll see!

  5. Beautiful and peaceful! I love low volume for babies. [as long as it is not grey!]

    1. Thank you, Lizzy.  There are just a few small pieces of fabric with a little grey in them (I'm using lots of scraps) but the rest are light and gentle. 

  6. What a pretty stack of fabrics. I'm sure the quilt will be lovely! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, San. I hope it turns out as I envision it!

  7. Great fabrics! Good luck on reaching your goal!

  8. What a sweet and soothing quilt (any of) those fabrics will make. Enjoy the process of making a different sort of quilt!

    1. Thank you, Joyful.  I'm having fun working on this quilt.


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