Monday, April 1, 2013

Never Trust a Groundhog...

... to predict the weather.   He said we'd have an early spring but it's just not so.  With snow last week, there is only one flower peeking out of the ground and it's indoors!

There are three gorgeous blossoms on the tall stalk of this amaryllis.  Can you see the sparkles on the petals?  The petal on the upper right glistens like tiny sugar crystals have been dusted on it.  Amazing!

If you're in the northern hemisphere, I hope you have spring weather to welcome each day.  If you're in the southern hemisphere, I hope the end of your autumn and the beginning of you winter is beautiful.



  1. That groundhog sure missed it this time. I think the worst part about his prediction was that it got everyone's hopes up for spring, so instead of just being cold we were disappointed AND cold.

  2. I agree with Nina. We had sun today, but oy vey it was cold.


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