I lost momentum on Everyday Patchwork about a year ago and the hand quilting stalled. Now that I'm using colored pencils to mark several fans, I can just sit and quilt without the interruption of having to mark as I go. Yes! I'm no longer stalled on this quilt.
I love using these homemade templates, imperfect as they are.
I'm almost halfway finished. I started quilted rows from across the bottom, upward toward the center. I'm thinking of turning the quilt around and marking from the top to the center, then finish by quilting the fans in arcs from the sides to the center. If anyone notices, it will be something interesting for them to wonder about.
My vertigo has been gone for a week! Hooray! I'm so very grateful. I hope it doesn't return. Having vertigo after a knee replacement prevented good improvement on my balance and gait. Physical therapy will help so I will finish the few weeks of appointments.
I continue to have the months-long headache. The doctor thought it might be one of my prescriptions so she asked me to stop it for two weeks and see. It's been 10 days and the headache persists. It may be that my eyes need a new prescription for glasses (appointment scheduled). Since nothing else has helped, I hope that's it. Also, sadly, my body chose stress-induced sciatica for the next challenge. Ouch! It's not as painful as the last time I had it but still painful. If I can manage the stress the sciatica will go, and it has been slowly decreasing. One of these days I should be back to or better than the old normal.
I'm linking this post to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts. Thank you for hosting, Kathy.
No vertigo, such good news. I’m so happy for you. You are cruising right along on your lovely quilt. I’m glad you’re enjoying it again.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Anonymous. (I was so happy for me about the vertigo, too, but it was back in full force on Monday morning!)
DeleteSo happy your vertigo has left!! Good riddance for sure!!
ReplyDeleteSorry though about sciatica--I know how painful that is--hope it will vanish soon...
Your all-over fan quilting will be so perfect for this one...enjoy your hand work...hugs, Julierose
I was so happy about the vertigo, too, but, sadly, it returned on Monday morning. I had one good week, at least!
DeleteThank you for your comment about the fans, Julierose. I'm enjoying working on this quilt again.
Your fan quilting is beautiful. I love the result. The varying direction of the fans is sometimes seen in vintage/ antique quilts! I always imagine the church ladies at the frame, quilting from all sides, getting the job done.
ReplyDeleteThrilled for you that the vertigo has gone. Wonderful news. But the headaches. One of my doctors has Rxed low dose of prednisone daily to manage joint pain, and a side result is that it has also reduced my constant migraines. Weather and stress are factors tho.
I was interested that you say the sciatica pain is stress related. Tho not diagnosed as sciatica my excruciating hip pain [shoulder pain too] seems to flare up from stress, one of the main triggers is when all the coping plans I use, people I count on, plans go lost---then I get the sudden incapacitating pain. I thought stress but am always pooh poohed by doctors. I hope you feel better soon.
Sending good wishes.
Thank you for your comment about the fans, Lizzy. I remember looking at an old quilt and seeing the fans going in different directions and assumed it was because the ladies quilted from right to left, or left to right, wherever they were sitting -- just as you say.
DeleteSadly, the vertigo returned yesterday morning. The PT performed a maneuver, not the Epley, because his test suggested a different canal was the problem. It hasn't really helped yet but he said it could take 24 to 48 hours.
The headache is an ongoing one, ongoing for nearly two months. I thought it was part of the vertigo but when the vertigo was gone and the headache was still here, I realized it must be a separate problem. I'm glad the prednisone works! I haven't noticed much change because of weather for this headache, but I know that's been true with other headaches.
I wonder if doctors don't realize how many illnesses stress can cause simply because there are no studies about the relationship.
Thank you for your good wishes.
I too am happy to hear the vertigo is behind you. As we are saying in our house these days, there is always something. Good when it is small things though. I love that you are hand quilting and made your templates. Exactly what I do and love, but sometimes take a break from a project. I always say it's not going anywhere and will be picked up again at some point. I do hope you can manage the stress; I lost a couple of months there not being myself because of stress. Take Care, J
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jocelyn. Like you, we used to say, "there's always something," and my mom used to say "there's always one thing or another." These days I say "if it's not one thing it's two or three." Some seasons of life are like that.
DeleteSadly the vertigo returned last Monday and is slowly subsiding again. I read that once you have vertigo you always have vertigo, though it's not always "active." A sad thought for sure.
With your handmade templates, do you trace around them and have you noticed that the edges where you traced seem to begin to curl or bend a little with a lot of use? I'm wondering if the template gets smaller over time. Any experience or thoughts?
I've noticed that projects never go away. I've also noticed that sometime I can't find them when I want them. I need to clean out my sewing and quilting supplies, something I'll be working on soon.
I think the stress is mostly under control. At least I haven't noticed the sciatica for a few days.
Here's hoping the persistent headache disappears soon. Your quilting is looking great, I love that you use homemade templates too.
ReplyDeleteThank you for that, Pat. Someone suggested it might be medication but I'm hoping an eye exam and new lenses in my glasses will take care of the headache.
DeleteIt's great to be quilting Everyday Patchwork again. I'm making progress!
I'm happy that the vertigo is gone but sorry that the sciatica has returned. Hope the eye dr. appt will help with the headache. But meanwhile: hooray for getting the quilting going again.
ReplyDeleteI spoke too soon about the vertigo being gone, Nann. It was gone for a week and then last Monday it was back. It's slowly subsiding again. Ugh! But good news: the sciatica is mostly gone (though maybe I shouldn't say that....) I hope it's my eyes, too.
DeleteYes, I'm so pleased to be making progress on this quilt!
Sciatica and vertigo are not a nice combination! I hope you find relief soon and from your headaches too. Your quilt is so pretty and it's nice you've found a good way to mark that lets you keep up the pace of quilting.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cynthia. The sciatica went away and so did the vertigo, except that returned a week later and again subsiding. I hope the headache is because I need new lenses. It would be such an easy fix!
DeleteIt's been great to sit and quilt and make progress!