Sunday, September 10, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

I have a choice of two things to stitch today.  Or maybe I'll stitch a little on both.

First is this little plaid basket with bright zinnias.
little plaid basket with zinnias
I haven't taken a single stitch on this block yet and before I do, I'll reevaluate the placement of the parts.  Do I like that stem in the middle?  Are its leaves a good size?  Does the flower on the right need a few leaves?  Does the flower on the left need another leaf?  Those kinds of questions.  I always begin by stitching the stems and I think the ones on the right and left are in good shape for me to stitch today.  (It's just the middle on that's in question.)

Second is hand quilting Everyday Patchwork.
hand quilting Everyday Patchwork
I've quilted only one row of fans across the width of the quilt.  I like how the green thread mostly disappears.  For some reason, it's easy for me to do other things instead of hand quilt if there's not something to watch on TV or a book to listen to..  But I want to make progress on this so perhaps a few fans will be just thing thing for today.

I'm linking this post to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.  Thanks for hosting, Kathy.


P.S.  Blogger is currently not sending comments to my email.  If you leave a comment (and I hope you do!), I'll respond here on the blog and if I know your email address I'll respond directly to you. 


  1. I find that if I hand quilt in the morning I am satisfied to just listen to music. But if I hand quilt in the afternoon I want the TV on. Weird, I know. I'm working on the wheel quilt right now and the actual stitching is less than satisfying. It takes a lot of work to poke the needle through. My eyes, thankfully, have been up to the task of sewing with black thread on the black corduroy. Your hand quilting, on the 'Everyday Patchwork' looks very nice and I think it would be soothing to quilt those arcs.

    1. It's unusual how our preferences change depending on the time of day, Robin. I can listen to scriptures or a book in the morning while quilting but not in the evening, and I probably wouldn't watch TV in the morning but I can at night.
      I forgot that you're quilting at least part of the wheels quilt on corduroy. I find it a challenge to quilt Everday Patchwork because it's so dark and I'm using darkish green thread. The arcs are peaceful to quilt.

  2. My nod to the seasons evolving is darker [indigo] pillowcases on my bed, so I have ironing to do. And handwork prep.

    I love both your projects, hope you get time to work on both. I can hand sew and quilt without a book or TV but cannot knit w/out *something*, even just a friend to talk to, so knitting gets neglected. I keep forgetting I like to read and knit, must reorganize my thoughts.


    1. Thank you, Lizzy. I used to listen to audiobooks while driving but haven't for years, but I think I could quilt while listening. I guess I should figure out how to download a book to my phone....
      I hope your handwork prep is going well and that your pillowcases are ironed and at home on your bed now.
      It's getting dark so early these days, earlier than other years, though I know that's not likely. I honestly love long, dark evenings but for some reason I haven't adjusted my thinking to appreciate them yet.


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